'Prince Hugo'

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It was the last day of school before winter break and also the day our Old English summaries of The Tale of the Noble Knight was due.

Hildegard was selected to read her summary.

She read,"Why should Sir Oliver just get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? Sir Jaxon is just as cute as Sir Oliver, right? Sir Jaxon is just as smart as Sir Oliver, people totally like Sir Jaxon just as much as they like Sir Oliver--"

"Um, dear, all you needed was a short summary. A personal response wasn't required," Miss Fauna reminded her feebly.

"--and when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody?"

"Hildegard, please, we're royalty," Prince Jin said from behind.

"--because that's not what chivalry is about! We should totally just STAB SIR OLIVER!"

The whole class looked at her with dazed expressions. She breathed heavily with anger.

After Old English, during our second break, Hildegard invited me to the princess' washroom with her.

"I need to talk to you about Amber," she said as she pulled me aside just near the faucets. I could tell she was trying really hard to compose herself, but on the verge of breaking down. "If only you knew how mean she really is... You know that I'm not allowed to wear tiaras, right? Yeah! Two years ago she told me tiaras were her thing and I wasn't allowed to wear them anymore. And then for Wassailia my parents got this really expensive white gold tiara and I had to pretend like I didn't even like them and... it was so sad."

She paused to take a deep breath.

"And you know she cheats on Hugo?"

"I figured," I interrupted.

"Yes, every Thursday he thinks she's doing tutoring but really she's really hooking up with Prince Desmond and making him do her homework in the greenhouse! I never told anybody that because...I am such a good friend!" Now her voice was choked and the tears began falling.


During winter break, Clover, Mia, Robin and I came up with plans to get Amber busted.

When we returned to school, I brought Clover along with me on the first Thursday to execute our plan.

I sidled up to Hugo's locker, where he was organizing his books and set my backpack on the floor.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Oh, what's up, Sofia?"

I kicked my backpack to give Clover the signal and Clover took my backpack between his teeth and leaped across the hall with it.

"Oh look! A bunny has entered our school and is running off with my backpack! I think he's headed for the greenhouse, where there are lots of plants to nibble on!" I pointed out, feigning oblivion.

Hugo immediately ran after him.

In the end, our plan didn't work out. Amber was too quick and sly. Desmond would be caught just doing homework by himself in the greenhouse every time.

We eventually gave up with the plan.

On the bright side, Amber began missing dance class every morning to go manage her fan club, which meant I finally got to spend time again with Hugo. And Professor Popov began lightening up (word has got out that he's dating Miss Merryweather) that he even let us do freestyle.

I sat on the bench because I didn't know any types of dancing aside from ballroom dancing.

Without Amber attached to his side, Hugo came up to me and asked me to dance with him. He held out his hand in a gentlemanly manner.

My insides fluttered and with a flushed face, I gave him my hand.

"Sorry about Amber," Hugo said as he spun me. "She could get a little, how do you say this, possessive."

"If you think that's bad, try living with her."

He chuckled heartily and I cherished every second of it. "I don't even want to imagine what that would be like."

I giggled.

"Haha. You have a cute laugh," he remarked.

My face became redder than a tomato. "Wanna hang out after school?" The words escaped my lips prematurely.

"Ugh, I can't. I have flying derby practice. Hey, are you okay? Your face is kinda red, like really red."

"Y-you have flying derby? Wait a second."

I pulled away from Hugo and pushed aside the dancing students in my way.

I tapped Zandar on the shoulder, who was doing a traditional Tangu dance by himself.

"Look, girls, I told you, one at a ti--" he spun around. "Oh, Sofia, fancy seeing you here. I'm sorry but I'm not interested."

"We have dance class together. And what do you mean you're not interested?"

"Right, I thought I told you that I only date women of color. I'm sorry but there's only one of me to go around. I've scheduled a date with Lakshmi today for lunch."


"Look, ever since my Wassailia rap, a bunch of chicks have been swooning over me. But I'm singling out the colored girls."

"Shut up. I don't want to date you. Listen, I'll do it, I'll join the flying derby team."

He grinned from ear to ear, or in this case, from one side of his turban to the other. "Great! We have practice today after school by the flying horse stables. Sir Gilliam should be able to help you out."

"So I'm in?"

"You're in."

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