20. Endless, Nameless

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The Next Day

Dave and I woke up early and headed to the police station to fill out the paper work to press charges against my brother. We where on our way home for our last day wth his mom. I was sitting right beside Dave holding his hand as he drove. I wanted to make Virginia breakfast before she left tomorrow morning. We got home and headed inside. I looked down the hall and saw her door still closed. Dave came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Go get some sleep baby. You were awake everytime I woke up to either check on you or got up to use the bathroom," Dave whispered into my neck.

"I'm gonna eat first. I'll sleep after. I want to surprise your mom. She made breakfast for us the past two days. I make it for her," I replied as we walked to the kitchen together. He didn't let go of me the whole time we walked to the kitchen. He let go of me when we got into the kitchen to make coffee. I grabbed eggs and bacon from the fridge and a frying pan from under the stove. Dave put the bread down beside the stove as he watched the coffee perk.

"It's not gonna perk any faster if you watch it," I said as I broke some eggs into a bowl so I could make scrambled eggs.

"Well I could distract myself by doing this," he replied and wrapped his arms around me. He hands went up the front of my shirt and cupped my breasts.

"Dave your mom could walk in at any second," I said as I moved his hands down. Dave moved away from me and walked out of the kitchen. I cut open the bacon as he came back in.

"She's in the shower. I can get atleast a good 15 minutes of groping in," He said as he armed his arms around me again.

"God you're such a perv," I giggled as I let him pull me away from the stove a bit. His hands where back where they had been before. I leaned back into him as he massaged my breasts and kissed my neck. I pushed against him with my ass and could feel his hard on in his jeans.

"I love my mom but I can wait for her to leave so I can fuck your brains out," Dave growled into my neck as he let his hands fall to my belly.

"I think the coffee is ready," I replied. He let go of me and went to make a cup of coffee. I started cooking the eggs and bacon. Virginia came in as I was putting the bacon and eggs onto plates.

"Well look at this. Both up and ready before me with breakfast made. I'm a spoiled mother today," Virginia said as she took the eggs and bacon from me and we all walked into the dining room.

"I wanted to do something nice for you before you left. Do you want some coffee?" I asked as her and Dave sat down at the table. Dave got back up.

"I'll get it. Sit down and eat baby. Mom coffee?" Dave asked as he stood beside me.

"Yes please. Sit Brittany. David get her a coffee too. Just a half a cup though. We don't need her all wired up when she goes for a nap later," Virginia said as I sat down across from her. Dave came back with two ful cups of coffee.

"I told you a half a cup David," Virginia said as he sat down beside me.

"I gave her like two thirds and the rest is milk and sugar. I don't even know how she can drink it," Dave replied as I put eggs onto both our plates. I handed them to Virginia and she handed me the bacon. I put bacon on both our plates as Dave buttered some toast and put it on my plate.

"You two are so cute together," Virginia said as I took a sip of the coffee.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Dave asked as he grabbed his cup of coffee.

"You do things for each other that most people don't. Just now Brittany made both your plates and you buttered some toast for her and made her coffee the way she likes it. You catch her when she randomly jumps on your back. She always put her hand on you shoulder when she sits behind you when you're driving and only distracts you during red lights," Virginia replied as we started eating.

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