Chapter 1: The Game

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Erica's pov

It all started one day...

Blue 42, set HIKE!!!

I watched as the cutest boy in school passed the football to other guys in my grade. Niall, my crush, smiles at me then motions for me to come and play.

I shake me head rapidly, "No thanks."

He just laughed, while he dragged me onto the field. "You scaredy cat, I don't bite!" He said with a flirtatious smile.

Wow that smile itself drives me insane. And those blue eyes deeper, and softer than the Caribbean Sea. His dirty blonde hair falls perfectly without him even trying. What is life? Oh yeah, him.

Me and my friends head over to the field. My best friend, Phoebe is a crazy one, but she always places everyone in front of herself says, "Okay to make things interesting, we are going to place a spin on the game. Shirts and skins!"

I blush then notice that Niall, my crush, is slowing taking off his shirt. Swoon!

"I call being team captain for skins!" he shouts.

"Okay and I'll be the captain for shirts. Niall you pick first." Phoebe shouts.

"Erica." I hear as he pulls me near and whispers for only me to hear, "You heard me, take off that shirt." I slowly peel my shirt off as I feel his eyes on my body, like we are the only two people there.

"SET HUT!" shouted Niall. Everyone surged forward tackling for the ball.

"Erica catch!" Niall yelled as he flung the football towards me. I caught the football with my forearms and took off running to the end zone. As I neared the end zone, I heard Niall yell, "GO ERICA!" His screams carried me all the way to the end zone, practicly lighting my heart on fire.

TOUCHDOWN!!!! Niall then tackled me with such ferocity as he said, "I never thought a girl like you could make such a great football player!"

I felt a blush rising up from the base of my neck. I hurriedly rushed away before I could embarrass myself further.

'Wait, where are you going? I think we are all going out to go get some ice-cream, why don't you come? It'll be fun... with you."

"Sure!" I replied a little too excited. "I mean, I guess so." I said trying to cover up my mistake.

"Great! Just meet Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn, Phoebe, and me at Baskin Robins, in about 10 minutes. Got it?"

"Sure, see you then!" I replied. I walked away and hopped in my car and headed for the Baskin Robbins.

Whenever I got in my car I sat there for a minute and thought about what just happened before putting the keys in the car and driving to my favorite place in the world! "How did he know I love that place so much?" I wonder as I arrive in the parking lot.

As I get out of the car I see him. The man that can kill me with one look. He truly is the man of my dreams. When I finally get across the parking lot and close to Phoebe she winks at me as Niall motions for me to come join him.

As he drags me inside I can't quit looking at him. I think I may be obsessed. Without my approval he orders a large Reece's 31-Below to share, my favorite. How does he know me so well? As the women handed the large cup over the counter, as me and Niall walked back outside to the picnic tables under a shady tree.

Niall's Pov

As we settled under the tree, Louis was the first to speak up, "Are any of you guys going to the Spring Formal?" Oh shoot. I totally forgot. To make it even better, I don't have a date.

As I get up to throw my trash away, Phoebe stands to follow me. The thing is, Phoebe is beautiful and there is no saying that she isn't, the way her midnight black hair compliments her crystal blue eyes, it's insane. But there is something about Erica... it's like I physically need her. What better way to get her jealous than asking out her best friend?

"Hi.. Um Phoebe, I was wondering if you would like to go to the Spring Formal with me?" I ask hopefully. Phoebe just stands there with a shocked look on her face. Oh man, what have I done.

"Yes, Niall. I would love to go to the dance with you!" Phew, I haven't blown it. Yet.

Yes. I just scored myself a date to the Spring Formal.

Erica's POV

As Niall and Phoebe returned I stood up to leave. There was something suspicious about them.

"Bye guys. I should probably get going. I need to finish up some college applications." I said.

"Here, let me walk you to your car." said Louis. As I neared my car, Louis spoke hesitantly, "Hey Erica, I was wondering if you would want to be my date to the Spring Formal?"

I stood there with a stunned expression. Going to the Spring Formal with my crush's best friend? I guess. One step closer to getting to Niall.

"Sure Louis. I would love to go to the dance with you." I replied.

Louis face broke into a huge grin ear to ear. He replied, "Great! I will pick you up at nine o'clock on Friday night. Here's my number so just text me about arrangements." he said as he handed me a small piece of paper.

"Okay Louis, See you tomorrow at school." I replied with a smile. I jumped into my car and drove off, pondering over today's events.

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