Chapter 2: The Mall

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Erica's Pov

The next day at school in science, Phoebe chucked a note at my head. I slowly opened the piece of paper. It read:

Hey! Guess what? Niall asked me to the dance!! Agh! And I heard you are going with Louis! This is going to be so great! Do you wanna go dress shopping today?

I folded back the note, shocked. My crush asked my fucking best friend to the dance. Not me. This cannot be happening. I am happy for Phoebe for having a date, but still I'm kinda jealous. I obviously wish he had asked me.

I quickly scribble back "sure! I need a dress too! Meet by the bus exit at 3 o'clock!"

I flash a smile in her direction. Then I quickly toss her the note. The rest of the day went by slower then I could have ever imagined.

As I was walking towards the bus exit, Phoebe had a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Isn't this just so exciting? I am super excited! This rarely happens!" She screamed.

She was right. This barely did happen. It's not that we are nerds, it's just we kinda stay out of the jocks way. We aren't popular but we aren't the geeks either. We are right in the middle. We aren't the kinds of girls who wear pounds or makeup or the girls who dress like sluts to get the guys attention. We just enjoy being ourselves.

"Yeah totally." I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. It's not like I have a problem with Louis, it's just Phoebe's excitement about going with Niall, my crush, is a little overwhelming.

"So are you ready to go then?" She asked me.

"Ready when you are" I replied.

"Okay, then lets go"

We jumped in the car and took off for the mall. The whole ride to the mall, Phoebe would not shut up. I felt like smacking her at one point. I know, she's my best friend and all, but she has no idea what I'm feeling. I want to tell her I like him, but that will crush her more because she seems to really like him. I can only hope that this is just a crush.

When we arrive at the store "Little Miss Princess" it is overwhelming. There is layers after layers of taffeta, sequins and glitter everywhere. It's nauseating. I try to stay positive about it but its pretty difficult. Phoebe finds a teal dress that compliments her blue eyes gorgeously. It's fitted to the knee, showing off her curves, while flaring at the knee.

"Do u like it?" She asks.

"Of course! You look beautiful." I say.

"Aww thanks! Then I guess this is the dress." She says while twirling around.

"I guess it's time for me to find a dress." I replied with a sigh.

I took off for the racks searching for the right dress. I was getting frustrated when I found it. It was ruby red silk from the waist down, the bust was covered with little tiny sequins. Simple, yet effective. I loved it. This is the one. After we purchased our dresses we headed for the food court.


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