Saying Goodbye

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I was laying in bed watching my Angel pack his packs his bags to leave. Neither of us liked this but I was trying not to show it or his sake, I didn't want to make him more upset. He was packing in a mopey way, which I hated seeing. Ange was usually excited to go to these things but I guess the thought of being away from me was too much for him.

He had always clinged to me, even at the start of our relationship. Angelo has always been so shy and even though he has started to become more outgoing it's always when I'm with him. I remember on our first few dates he would cling to my side likes static which he often still dose if the place is too overwhelming for him. There were times where I had to order for him at restaurants so he would be more comfortable. That's why I have always gone with him before, these convention take a lot out of him from all those people and the noise. If work wasn't so busy I would be by his side in a heartbeat.

He had finished packing and he set his bag down in front of the bed and he crawled up onto the bed and straddle my waist and look at me with that pout that I had to fight so hard not to give in too.

"I want you to go with me. I don't like being away from you." He said sadly and it was breaking my heart to hear him like this.

"I wish I could baby. You can call me any time and I'll answer. This will be over with soon and you will be back in my arms. Plus the house will look exactly like how you want it, which I know would make you happy."I said running a hand through his hair and he lent his head on my hand and I let out a sigh.

He bent down and gave me a kiss before pulling away and starring into my eyes. "I love you." He mumble against my lips.

"I love you too angel." I said before we put got off of the bed and I walk with him out to his car, carrying his bags for him. I help him get everything into the car and gave him one more final kiss as he pulled away and I think we both could a agree the next few days were going to feel like months for the both of us.


Time seemed to be dragging on. I had been wasting time at work so I wouldn't have to deal with being home. One of the reason that I didn't want to be home by myself was because it was a reminder that Angelo was gone but another reason defiantly that I hated being in that by myself. The house was always so eerily quiet and I always felt like someone was watching me even when I knew no one was there.

Pulling up to the house I took my time getting out of my car. I had already taken my time getting home by wasting more time at work and taking the long way home. With a sigh I got out of the car knowing that I had to go home at some point.

Coming through the door I made my way to the couch and laid down. Sitting there I felt like I was going crazy from how silent it was. So I got up and turned on some music to break up the silence.

After I walked over to the kitchen and pulled some leftovers out of the fridge. We had gotten the barbecue out of storage so the other night I had cooked up some food so I wouldn't have to worry about it. Pulling out at chair at the island I sat down so my back was facing the living room and I was starring out the window in the kitchen.

I was just finishing up eating when I heard my music playing in the other room start to pause itself and when I moved to check on it the music started again. With a shrug I thought nothing of it and put my plates in the dishwasher and started on that and a few moments in to that the music did the same thing and along with it that time the TV flicked on and I heard it progressively get louder.

Not letting it slid this time around I rushed into the living room and I noticed that a few of the boxes had been moved in the room and they where all against the wall on the far side of the room by the door. It was neater then the last time the boxes where moved that's for sure.

After taking in the situation I moved towards the TV and noticed that some old black and white romance movie was on. I picked up the remote and turned the volume down and then turned it off.

I was taken back by all of this. It had to be just a power surge. Right? That was all I could logically think it could be anyways.

I was so lost in the whole moment that hearing my phone ring made me feel like I basically jump out of my skin. I walked slowly over to the docking station where I had put my phone and I quickly answered the phone seeing who it was.

"Hey baby. How was today?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"It went surprisingly well but it would of been better if you were with me." He said with a sigh.

"I wish I could be with you too. I miss you." I told him and I heard him giggle.

"Are you sure that's all you miss?" He ask with a suggestive tone.

"Really? Phone sex Ange?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"I'm actually to tired I was more just hoping to tease you." He said and I could hear the disappointment in his voice that I called him out on it.

I heard shoveling in the kitchen and I turned to peek into the room and I could see nothing. I must of stay silent longer then I thought I was.

"Chris? Are you okay?" I heard Angelo ask in a concerned voice.

"Huh? Ya I'm fine, just thought I heard something, It was probably just the wind." I said my voice trailing off at the end.

"I hate to hang up so soon but I was just calling to say goodnight. I have to be up early tomorrow and I didn't think I would be able to fall asleep without hearing your voice." He said and my face filled with a smile and all the worries I had fade away.

"You should get some sleep then babe. I love you, goodnight." I said to him.

"I love you too. Goodnight." He said before hanging up the phone.

I set my phone down on the table and let out a sigh and then I heard something that sent chills down my spin. Coming down the stairs I could hear the faint clicking of heels the filled my dreams and like those moments I felt like I couldn't move but this time it was from utter fear.

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