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I watched the movers remove most of the furniture from the downstairs as I leaned against the wall facing the top of the staircase. Most of the upstairs was already empty and I was still in denial. I didn't want to think that was really happening. 

It's been a few weeks now and I had finally convinced Ange to put the house on the market. I think because of what happened here the realtor thinks this place will sell better without anything in it. I think Ange is now staying Nick and I was grateful he had someone to help him through this.

He had come back last night and we had said our goodbyes. It was the most difficult thing the either of us could of ever done. We could of still had sometime together but I think we thought it would be easier if he got it over with now. It would allow him to be able to start healing. 

I knew he won't be coming back but every time that door open I jumped to get over to it, thinking it would be him walking in. It never was and I don't think I'll ever not react that way. 

With a sigh I turned to walk away. I was no longer able to watch this. It was hurting me to watch so many items being taken out that held memories. It was just reminding me that my life was over.  

Going up the stairs I made my way into the attic. The bright side of this we have a place where the next people who move in here can't get. I had Ange set the only key to open that door up here. Meaning the only way in was locked. I hope that no one tries to get it by knocking a door down.

Ricky was sitting in the window sill that was located up here. He was watching the people come in and out of the house. Little things like this always seemed to entertain him. I walked to where he was and rested against the wall that his body was facing towards. 

When I walked over he looked away from the window and straight at me. "I don't know how you did that. When they were moving Ryan and I stuff out I was hiding up here. I couldn't watch that." He said as he started to fidget with his hands. 

I always kind of wondered if has he was always like this. He always seemed so nervous when he spoke and I can't help but think that was because Devin made him this way. Devin has seemed to have beaten him down to half of what he possibility used o be and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"It was starting to become to much for me to see. I don't know it just feels like it's reminding me that my life is over, well I guess that life anyways because I'm here now." I said, rambling on. I couldn't help doing that, everything that was happening around me didn't feel like it was real. I wasn't fully processing it. 

We sat there in silence for a few moments and I finally found a way to word a question I had wanted an answer to for a while now. "Why do you even let anyone move in here if you know this is what is goign to end up happening? I mean you always seemed so upset about us staying here." I ask him and he froze when I said that. I could tell by his body langue that there was something that he didn't want to tell me.  

"It's complicated I guess." He mumble, not  meeting my eyes.  I barely even heard him when he said it.

"Don't think you should explain things to him now?" I heard Devin say from behind us. Why does he always show up at the worst times? I swear he just waits around till he hears things he can stir up to start problems with people. 

"No and can we please not Master." Ricky said even more afraid now. I don't know if it was caused by Devin's presence in the room or the topic itself that made him so scared. I knew he was serious about this just by how he was addressing Devin.

"He'll figure it out eventually." Devin said as he walked over to me stopping once he was standing in front of me. "Do you want to know why you really ended up here?" He ask as he trailed his hands along my chest with a smirk. 

"Please don't." Ricky pleaded a bit louder now. He sounded so frantic that I felt bad for wanting to know but I did have the right when the topic at hand has to do with me. 

I looked at him and gave him a sympathetic smile before I turned back to Devin. This can't be too bad right? I mean nothing could get worse then what has just recently happened to me. "Tell me." I said to him, making sure my vocie was loud and clear. I was sick of head games and I didn't want to be controlled by them anymore. 

"It wasn't really your decision. The moment you walked through the door I knew I wanted you two to stay. Ricky shockingly agreed with me, which he hadn't done for anyone else. I think he took quite a liking to you from the start. I mean I'm pretty sure all he could think about was you fucking his little mouth as roughly as you could. I mean I was thinking the same though so that helped make the decision. 

"So I had Ricky lure that cute little fiancee of your over by himself and I did a small bit of manipulation with his mind and next thing you know he's running over to you, demanding to buy the house. It was an effort between the two of us that put you here. That's the shorten, straight to the put version of it." He told me with a smirk and I was shocked. 

"You mean all of this could of been avoid?" I ask him as I processed everything.

"I mean I guess. I don't think you would of walked away after Angelo ask you to get the place though. I guess we'll never know." He said, planting a kiss on my check for turning around and making his way out of the room. 

"Are you mad at me?" Ricky ask timidly once he was out of the room and I turned aroudn to face him. He looked so panicked that it made any resentment I could of had towards him disappear

I let out a sigh. "No, I'm not mad at you. It's in the past now there is nothing we can to change anything. I guess I have to move on from it." 

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