Full Circle

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Standing at the top of the stairs lent against the banister Ricky and I watched people come in and out of the front door. This was the second open house that has been held here and so far no one has caught either of our attention. I don't get why we have to look because from the way it sounds Devin makes the final decision on who we choose. 

I felt horrible doing this but Ricky had explained there way no way around doing this. Plus Devin has supposedly threatened him that if I didn't help things would end badly for him. So for his sake and my own I'm trying to act enthusiastic about helping out with the choice at hand. 

I couldn't help but start to become protective over Ricky. He just reminded me of a little lost puppy. I couldn't stand watching Devin treat him as badly as he does but I know there is only so much I can do for him. I think it also had to do with his blue eyes. They may of not of been the same shade as Ange but they still reminded me of him.

"They look like a good option." Ricky told me snapping me out of my train of thought. He was point towards a couple that had walked through the door. 

The tallest one had long, black hair and a slime frame. He was heavily modified with ink covering his skin and his ears were stretched to quite a lager, noticeable size. The man next to him was a lot shorter and petite looking and his hair was a little bit longer then his for the looks of it and was black as well. I couldn't tell if he had any tattoos on him becasue most of his skin was covered by a long sleeve, black, sweater dress. His hand was grasped tightly in the other mans hand and he was almost hidden behind him.

I let out a sigh becasue something told me that this was who Devin was going to choose as well. I felt horrible doing this to someone who was in my situation but from the looks of it Devin doesn't like to go after single people, only couples. 

"They do." I mumble in response. I can't lie they were both quite attractive especially the tall one. 

Devin peered up the stairs with a smirk on his lips and nodded in the direction the couple had just gone. I guess he had made his mind up as well. I was right that our thoughts meant nothing in this decision making process of this.

"Okay so what are we supposed to do now?" I ask Ricky, knowing we had to make the choice in which one we were going to lure away. I was guessing the timid, little one. He seemed like an easy target and I'm guessing that is how they made the decision with Ange and I. Chose the less dominate looking one in hopes that they will be more ease to manipulate.

"Just follow me." Ricky said as he made his way down the stairs. I walked behind him till we came to the kitchen which the two of them had went into. 

They had separated a bit and the shorter one was standing off to the side as the tall one talked to the realtor. The shorter one was looking off toward the doorway we were approaching and Ricky worker his magic so to speak and got him to walk away from the kitchen and out into the dinning room. We were far enough away were we wound't be seen but still in ear shot of the other people in the kitchen.

Devin was standing off to the side in there with a smirk on his face when we walked in. I guess we made the right decision by who we brought with us. 

The short man seemed scared but it was like he was under some trance. I hated seeing this happen because I remember what that was like. No being able to make your own decisions and feeling helpless. I had to take a few deep breathes to let myself step away from my feelings. My feeling and remorse had no place here and I knew that. It would only make this more difficult for me if I didn't do this.

He slowly made his way over to Devin and once he stop in front of him Devin hands ran up his neck and rested right below his jaw line, forcing him to look up at him. 

"What's your name sweetheart?" Devin ask him in a sickly sweet voice that seemed to set him further into the trap he was setting for him.

"Kyle." He stated simple in response to the question that was asked of him. 

"Do you like this house Kyle?" Devin ask his as he starting to toy with his hair a little bit.

"It is nice, I don't know if we are goign to buy it. It's up to Mike if we do." Kyle told him. I guess Mike was the tall guys name. He is giving us more information then ask of him, I guess this was easier then it appears to be from the outside looking in. 

"I think you could convince him to buy it. What do you think sweetheart, can you do that for us?" Devin said as he brought his hands up to his temples, probably showing him some image to get him to do as he says. 

Kyle eyes slipped closed and the room fell silent for a few moments and when they opened I could tell Devin fully had him under his spell now. There was no turning back for the either of them now.

"I'll get him to stay. I think we'll like it here." Kyle said with a smile before walking out of the room to do the rest of our dirty work. That took less time then I thought it would. 

The room was silent between all of us and we listened to Kyle convincing Mike to stay here and it seemed to be working. It was the same trap they had laid down for me and I hated being on this side of it. I could tell by the face Ricky was making it was the same way for him. I have a feeling he was the one Devin manipulated to get them to stay. I could tell that Ryan was the more dominate then he was from just seeing them together once, It was quite obvious if you asked me. 

"That was easier then I expected. Your little fiancee took a bit more work, he was stranger willed I guess but still weak." I gritted my teeth together as Devin said that to me, breaking the silence in the room. I may be working on his side right now but I still didn't want him talking about Ange in that way. I won't let him, no after the mess he caused for us. 

I stalked over to him, straightening my stance to make me even taller hen he was. "Don't you dare speak about him in that way. I may be letting you do this but I will continue to put you in your place. I know the reason you choice me and not Ange was becasue you wanted someone to control you so I'm going to give you just that. I plan to make it worse then you imaged even." I spat down at him and he smirk. 

"What are you going to do this time? Fuck me into submission?" He ask and I could tell he was hinting towards it because that was want he wanted from me. Too bad for him because he just lost the chance of that happening.

I tuned away from him and towards Ricky with a playful smile. "What do you say you and I go upstairs for little while?" Ricky seemed taken back when I ask him that but he seemed fine with it. He nodded and made his way that way knowing I would follow after him shortly after. I still had to finish up with this before I could walk away.  

"What do you think you're doing?" Devin growled at me. I had gotten to him now.

"Maybe if you would of been a good boy for me it would be you getting my cock up your ass. Also don't you need to finish up here?" I said, shoving him back a bit before walking out of the room. 

If we were getting new people in here I was going to make choose on how this would go. Part of me already knew which one I wanted to mess with a bit and Devin wasn't going to stop me from doing so. I was making the rules now. 


Okay so this is the last chapter and thanks to @2ndSucksDick  comment on my last chapter I will be making a squeal to this at some point soon. I have a bunch of other stories I'm working on right now so it won't be out right away but soon I promise that.  

I'm thankful for everyone who has read this, voted and commented. I appreciate all of you and thank you fr paying attention to my writing.  

I have some other stories on my account that you might like so if you haven't checked them out you should. Also look out for the squeal.

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