Night Alone

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"Is everything okay?" I heard Angelo voice ask he started to walk out on to the porch. He stop when he saw Ryan though. He seemed to be in shock to see him. It was like he recognized him for somewhere. 

"Ya everything is fine I dealt with everything. Ryan used to live here and he was just checking on something. I was just asking him a few questions." I said to him and he slowly nod and walked back into the house, closing the door behind him. He was acting strange and as much as I wanted to go ask him what was wrong I still had to know a few things about this house.  

"You don't live alone?" He ask me seeming taken back. 

"No. I live here with my  fiance." I said looking at him, giving him a curious look. That fact that it wasn't just me here it seemed to change things for him. 

"I'm guessing he really liked the house?" He ask me. 

"We both did and with the price being so low it sold us on it even more." I told him and he nod and I could tell he was thinking everything he just learn over.  

"If you want to hear my advice consider moving." He said before standing up and walking to his car. I was too taken back by his words that I didn't make an effort to stop him.  

Hearing him pull away in his car snap me out of my own thoughts and I stood up and made my way into the house with a sigh. Walking in I saw Ange sitting on the couch just starring off into space. He seemed to be lost in his own thought just as much as I was a few moments ago. I slowly made my way over to him and gently placed my hand on his shoulder. He jump a bit but he seemed to relax when he turned to see me standing behind him. 

"What's wrong baby?" I ask him running my hand along the top of his back. He actions where concerning me almost as much as they had been a few weeks back. 

"I-it was just-I don't how to explain it." He said, stammering over his words. He seemed just as confused by all of this as I was. He took a deep breath, composing himself. "Do you remember that picture of that man I had drew a while ago?" He ask me looking over at me with a raised eyebrow.

I nod. "Ya, it was the one you drew when you were on the porch." I said to him. 

He let out a sigh. He seemed to be debating on how to go about saying what he was thinking."I had a dream before I drew that and I was having difficulty processing it. I thought that maybe if I tried to draw things out it would help me understand it better. That man was on the porch was in the dream. Him and the guy in the drawing were together. I don't know if it was a coincidence but I know he was in the dream and so was that man I drew." He was saying everything at a fast pace. I was shocked I was catching all of it but I did. He seemed to be trying to piece the whole thing together as he spoke.

"I have been having weird dreams too. I think it might of all been from the house." I said well rubbing his back. 

"You were having weird dreams too? What were yours about?" He ask me and I felt myself freeze a bit. I didn't know if I should be honest with him about all of this. I know I should be but part of me wanted to keep this all a secret. I can't explain it. 

"I don't really ever remember them after I  woke up, I just know I had them." I told him. I knew it was a lie but this was probably for the best that he didn't know the truth. It's over with now anyways.

He nod as he took in what I said. I could tell he believed me, he always did and I felt horrible for that. "Do you think everything is going to be okay now?" He ask me fearfully. 

"I think it will. Everything is going to go back to normal now." I said to him and I felt him become more comfortable and relaxed which made me feel so much better. 


"Chris!" Angelo shirked, letting out a laugh as I wrap my arms around his waist, picking him off the ground and pulling into my arms. He lent back, resting his hand on my shoulder. "I'm trying to make dinner."He said trying to sound irritated even though he wasn't very good at it.

"You don't have to be." I said with a smirk, kissing his neck. 

He shook his head and push away from me laughing. "Let me finish." He said to me trying to be forceful with his words.  

With a playful eye roll I step back a bit leaning against the island in the kitchen. Things just keep getting better for us. We were living pretty peacefully in our dream house. I'm surprised those simple house cleansing stuff actually worked this well. I feel like I thought too low of them because I constantly have thought that throughout this whole process. 

I still was worried by what that Ryan guy had told me but I was trying not to let it bother me too  much. I was going to do some research on this house, which I feel we should of done before buying this place but of course we were too caught up in everything that the thought had never crossed our mind. Knowing what I do now I wish I could change that. 

We both turned to look at Anges phone that was sitting on the counter next to him as it start to vibrate. He quickly reached to grab it. 

"Hey Nick." He said. Nick was one of the artist that worked in his shop with him. Ange had taken the day off of work so I amused that was all the call had to do with but of course nothing is that easy.

"Wait what happened? Are you okay?" He ask frantically. Him and Nick were closer then most co workers. That was because they had known each other before Nick started working for him so it didn't shock me that he would call him in a time of need.  

"Ya of course I can be there right away. Bye." He said quickly hanging up the phone. He turned to look at me. "Someone in Nicks family ended up in the hospital after a car crash. He's the only one in his family in this area and h doesn't want to be alone right now." He said to me. 

"Do you want me to go with you?" I ask him with concern. I know he isn't the biggest fan of hospitals. 

"No it's fine. I should be home sometime tonight." He said walking over to me and giving me a kiss. "I love you." He said to me. 

"I love you too baby. Call me if you need me tonight." I told him and he nod before walking out of the kitchen to leave. 

I was never really close to Nick, I had only met him a few times. After everything went down with Angelo and I he moved in with him for a bit. I know he wasn't the biggest fan of me after everything that had happened but I was still concerned for him. No one should lose a family member like that. 

I knew he wasn't going to be home anytime soon so I turned off the stove and set what he was cooking a side for now. I deal with that later, right now I had some other things I needed to look into now that I had the time. I didn't want Ange home to see it this in case it was really bad. I didn't want to worry him right now. Especially with this now all going on.

Walking into the living room I sat down on the couch and picked my laptop off of the table, placing it on my lap. Going on it I quickly typed in the house address into the search bar and the whole time I watch it load I was hoping nothing would come up but of course I didn't see what I wanted. What came up was the worst it could probably get and everything was making more sense now.

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