Trust Me

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Everything seemed the same. It was like a flashback to everything that had happened before i had drifted off to sleep. Nothing seemed off about this at all but knowing how my dreams had been recently I had a feeling it wouldn't stay that way for long.

My hand was wrap in Angelo hair as he took my cock into his mouth. My hand lent back as I let out a moan and then I felt the texture of the hair I was gripping change. I felt this was a strange thing for me to pick up on but looking back down I noticed it seemed to now be some else sucking me off. Even with that though coming to mind I didn't think I should pushing them off of me. It still felt right.

Starring down at the person I noticed their eyes shifted up towards mine and I was met with blue eyes that didn't belong to my angle.  Part of me seemed to prefer seeing these eyes looking up at me with my cock in their mouth.

I watch them move there position so they had their knees under them and they were leaning forward more. From this new position I had a better few of their ass. I couldn't lie he had a better ass then Anges. 

I wrap my hands tightly around his hair as I felt like I was going to come soon. "Fuck Devin." I said out in a moan and I felt him smirk around me. 

I woke up as I almost jump out of bed. I felt Ange jump up next to me and I could see the fear in his eyes. We must of both heard the loud commotion in the hall. There was loud footsteps all but stomping up the stair and then the attic door slammed shut. 

"What was that?" Angelo stammered out.

I let out a sigh. "I'll go check. Stay here." I said giving him a kiss beofre getting out of bed and slowly making my way out of the room.

Slowly I puled the door to the attic open. "Hello?" I called up and I heard a knock on the door at the top of the stairs. 

I felt uneasy as I made my way to the top of the stairs and slowly pulled the door open. Looking at the room I could see no one was up here. Taking in the room in a full I saw something shine in the far corner of the room. I walked over to that corner of the room and I noticed a skeleton key on a chain laying on the floor there.

Starring at it I felt like I was having some form of a flashback to the drawing Ange had done of the blue eyed man that was in my dream. This has to have some significance to everything that has been gong on. Picking it up I put it in my pocket and taking one last glance around the room I made my way out.

Walking back into the bedroom I noticed Ange was siting up starring at the door. "What was it?" He ask me and I could hear a mixture of fear and curiosity in his voice.

I let out a sigh getting back into bed. "It's nothing baby. Lets just go back to sleep." I turned towards him and I notice he didn't want to drop the subject.

"Does this have anything to do with what happened well I was gone?" He ask and I look at him for a second for nodding and all he did was lay back down. 

"I didn't want to talk about anything till I understood it. The heels were just laying in the living room when I came home from work. I had Josh come over to tell me I wasn't crazy and he helped me clean up." I said to him. I left out some details not wanting to overwhelm him or scare my baby too much. 

He turned onto his side so he was facing me. "What are we going to do about this? I mean there has to be some form of a logical answer to all of this" He said quickly almost like he was trying to convince himself of it.

I wasn't even too sure myself. I didn't really know what to tell him. "I'm going to try to get a better understanding of it. That way I know how to deal with it." I said slowly. 

I watched him as he slowly turned into my chest. "I'm sorry for making such a big deal out of this. I know I should be trying harder to trust you but it's so difficult for me." He said and I could tell he didn't want to bring this up. Neither of us liked talking about it. This was a subject the both of us wanted to forget.

"I know baby. I understood where you were coming from." I said kissing his head.

The room fell silent after that. We just laid there trying to get some sleep which seemed almost impossible. I could tell that Ange was on edge more then I was. I had already adjust, somewhat anyways, to all of this. This was the first time he was coming to the realization of all of this. It was a lot to take in I can't blame him for it but it defiantly didn't help calm me down at all.  

Eventual I think we don't fell asleep. I could tell that my baby sleep was more restless then mine because he was struggling getting out of bed more then usual. It's me most of the times that can barely get out of bed. 

Walking up behind him well he was standing in front of the bathroom mirror I wrap my arms around his waist and kissed the side of his face. He stiffen up for a second before relaxing into me. I could tell that he wasn't happy with me still but he was no longer upset with me. 

Well he resting in my arms all I could think about was how I hope things get better for us. That this situation was something more easier to deal with that what I think is going on.

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