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It was the strangest thing to me to watch my body being dragged away into a ambulance without me. It was so surreal that it was hard to believe it was all happening. I didn't really even know if I could say that body was me anymore. It was more just an empty vessel that was no longer needed.

Angelo hasn't been here since that night and I don't blame him for it. I won't want to come back to the place I found my fiancee dead on the floor. That would be to traumatic for me. I would want to stay as far away from it to avoid the memories of that night. I just wish he would cone back so I could make him feel better. Let us both have closure.

Ricky had been trying to help me get to a point were I could draw energy from people and objects around me and I was getting better at it. I think so anyways there was no real way for me to tell.

 Supposedly he had to do this on his own and it took longer the he wanted it to. That was why he didn't get to say his goodbyes to Ryan. Well also because he was scared to and I think that fear had to do with both him over thinking the situation and Devin's involvement. I didn't want that to be the case for me. I won't survive if it was.

Devin hasn't been seen since that night and I was grateful for that. I didn't want to deal with him right now. I didn't have the energy to.

Ricky seemed off put by the whole situation. I'm guessing Devin doesn't usually disappear so to speak for this long. I'm guessing he is somewhere around here because I don't think he has another places to go. I personally don't want to go looking for him though. It isn't worth my time to do anyways.

At the moment I was sitting down in the living room on the couch. I was assuming that Ange was going to move and take the furniture with him later on  but for now I was going to sit here.I mean it's not like we really had a use for it here.

I hated to think about him leaving and then never coming back here but I knew it had to be for the best. It was the best option for him anyways and that was all that really matter to me. My feeling were worthless if he was unhappy.

I was afraid that if I spoke to him it would stop him from moving on and he won't move out of the house. I knew I was going to have to make that clear that was what he needed to do. It would hurt me to say it but at least I knew he might move on easier that way.

A hand was placed on my shoulder to catch my attention and looking over I was the same print across the person knuckles that belong to the person who ruined everything for me. Well there goes not having to see him.

"What do you want Devin?" I ask him harshly. Not even turning around to look at him in the eyes as I spoke, he didn't deserve that.

"I just wanted to see if you were doing alright." He said to me. He trailed his hand along to my chest as he walked aroudn the couch to come to a stop in front of me, sitting down to my lap in a sensual manner. 

I rolled my eyes, fighting the need to push him off my lap. "Ya I'm sure that all you wanted." I spat at him. He always has another motive to everything he does. I'd rather not get caught up in anymore problems for the time being. 

He smirked at me. "I see you're starting to figure out how I work but I still want to know how you are doing before we move onto what I want from you."

"I'm doing fine I guess. I don't how well I should be doing knowing I'm dead and one of the most important people to me are heartbroken and are blaming themselves." I wanted to make him feel guilty for what he caused but I knew Devin wasn't capable at feeling anything for anyone else other then himself.

"Well that's good I guess." He said as he trailed his hands along my chest. He lent forward, bringing his mouth by my ear. "I think I can help you forgot about things for a while." He whisper before he started to trail his lips along my neck. 

"Not now Devin." I said shoving him back but he didn't seem to be letting up and to be honest I didn't really want him too. I knew I need some form of a distraction right now. it would feel nice to get out of my own head.

"Are you sure about that?" I ask with lips against my skin. I was about to give in and go along with this but when I saw headlights shine through the window I was snap out of the moment knowing who could be driving up.

I placed my hands on his chest and shoved him back with a stronger hand this time and he let out a huff but he did get off of me. If that was the one person I amused that it could be  I knew this wouldn't go the way I wanted if Devin was here.

"Go away." I said forcefully to him and he rolled his eyes but left me be. I was shocked he actually listened to me. Maybe it was because I have no more shot of leaving here. 

Standing up I stood behind the back the couch facing the door. I was hoping all that Ricky had taught me wold work right now. I need to this and there was no stopping me from it. I would do whatever it takes to get him to talk to me. We both needed this.

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