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Standing in front of him, starring down at him I watched him lean forward as he started to placed kisses along my chest. As he moved down he repostioned himself slowly putting himself on his hands in knees in front of me once his lips were trailing along the bulge that was visible through my jeans. He did all of this with out removing his lips from my skin and more grace then I have ever seen Ange mange to have.

He pulled his mouth away from me and I let out a groan, placing a hand in his hair. Keeping a hold on him as I unbuttoned my jeans and pull myself out. Keeping one hand wrap in his hair I brought the other back to slowly started to stroke myself, letting out a moan that caused my head to fall back.

I quickly snapped out of it when I heard a small wimpier come from Ange. Looking down at him I saw him starring up at me with big, pleading eyes that caused me to smirk at him. 

"What should you ask me?" I ask him in a mocking tone. I love doing this to him. Usually he wasn't always okay with this so when he was willing to do things my way I wasn't going to complain.

"May I please suck your cock, Master?" He begged me. I pulled his face closer to me and he open his mouth.

"Go right ahead baby." I told him as I loosen the grip I had on his hair to give him some form of movement back into his control and he quickly took me into his mouth. He pleased me like this for a while longer. Occasionally he would start gagging on me when he took me all the way down his throat. 

 He pulled off of me with a pop and sat back on his knees. He lent forward, towards me, planting his lips to my neck again. "Please fuck me." He mumble in between each kiss he landed on my skin. He sounded so desperate when he was asking me that and as much as I wanted t denied him I was beyond the point of being able to wait anymore.

"Lay back on the bed." I told him as I went to walk over to the drawer that I knew we last put the lube. 

"No I don't need it,please just fuck me." He whined out once he figured out where I was going. I was a bit put off when he said that. This wasn't really something he would ever ask me. There has been the odd occasion of it once or twice but not recently that's for sure.

"Are you sure about that?" I ask him as I came back over to him. I had to stop myself to make sure this was really what he wanted for me. 

"Mmmmh. Hurt me a bit, you're usually gentle with me, change that a little bit."He said playfully as I got on the bed. How could I ever say no to that sentence. 

He moved back up on his knees and pushed me on my back. I fell backwards and placed my hands behind me head. Any other time he did that I would go off but right now I wanted to see where he was going with this.

"Can I ride you, Master?" He ask me with a smirk as he straddle my lap. He placed his entrance above my cock, teasing himself and I in the process. He did this because he knew there was no way I could say no to that.

I placed my hands on his hips, gripping tightly on them, leaving a bruises underneath my were my fingers gripped. If I was going to let him be on top I was going to have to show him somehow who was in charge here. 

"If you want to ride me you better stop teasing me or I'll change my mind on letting you." I told him with a stern tone to let him know I was being serious about that. 

He smirked at me as he slowly pushed his entrance down on my cock, letting out a moan as his head fell back and his eyes fell shut. Once he had fully sunken down to the base he held himself there for a moment, letting himself adjust. I let this go for a few seconds but I started to get bored quite quickly. 

A smirk turned up on my lips as an idea came to mind and without any warning to him I quickly thrusted my hips, causing him to move.

His eyes open and he looked down at me, letting out a wimpier. "What did I just say about teasing me?" I ask him in a growl. I grip his hips again and pulled him up and down on me. 

He got so lost in the motion that he fell forward against my chest. I removed my hands for his hips and wrap one around the back of his neck and the other in his hair, holding him down. 

He started to squirm a bit in my grasp, trying to get out of it to have the same amount of control he did have before before but that wasn't going to happen. Him doing this just made me tighten my hold on him even more.

Getting bored of this position I flip the two of us over, putting him on his stomach and I keeled up behind him. Using the grip I had on his hair I pulled him up onto his knees. Wrapping my other hand around his throat, holding him to my chest before I start to thrusted roughly into him.

I was so caught up in the whole moment that my brain was more focus on listening to the moans that left his mouth. Any other noises outside this room went deft to my ear. It was like there were sound proof wall around us that our voice were bouncing off of and filling the space. 

"What the fuck is this?" I heard the one voice that I knew shouldn't be coming from behind me right now. The second I heard that voice it was like the walls around us fell down and I was fully aware of my surroundings. 

Looking down at the person below me I realized the black hair my hands were wrap in wasn't the hair that belong to my baby and I quickly shoved them off of me, getting of the bed. I knew who it was without even taking notice of the face that belong to them.

Turning around I saw the shock filled face of my baby and I was filled with so much remorse I just waned to take back everything that I just had done regardless of what the consequence of that could be. Nothing would be as horrible as knowing the pain I was putting him through once again. It hurt him more this time around, I knew that for a fact.

I slowly started to wake over to him. "Baby, please hear me out?" I ask him and he shock his head quickly at me.

"Please don't come any closer to me." He sniffled out and the sound of his voice cracking as he tried to speak made my heart shatter. 

I could tell Devin was starring at me and then out of no where I felt like I couldn't move. Moments later he walked over in our direction, completely by passing me and made his way over to Angelo. The close that he got the more I wanted to run at him and stop him from whatever he was about to do. Knowing him this wouldn't end well for me.

When he stop in front of Angelo with his back to me I could see that Ange was in too much shock to know what to do. Devon brought his hands up along the sides of his head and I saw my baby's eyes slid shut automatically. 

The room was silent throughout all of this and I could feel my heart to start to speed up even more with every passing second. I had no clue what he was doing to him but what I did know was this was pay back to hurt me from going against his wishes before. This was what I had been worried about happening for far too long now.

When his eyes open they were more visibly filled with tears and I wanted to run over to him and comfort him but it was like my feet were nailed to the spot they were standing on. 

He sock his head as he tried to compose himself. "You told me I could trust you and that his wasn't going to ever happen again. What makes it worse is I know it wasn't the first time. I don't know how he just showed me all that and I don't care to know." He was looking off at the wall behind my head, trying to put everything together. 

He was pulled back out of his thoughts by Devin placing his hand on the side of his face, making him look at him. He was still zoned out and I could tell by the blank stare on his face that he always gets when he's lost in thought. Knowing the way Devin works him being zoned out wasn't a choice he was making on his own.

Devin lent forward putting his mouth by his ear. I could hear mumble coming from him but I couldn't make out what he was saying no matter how hard I tried.

He pulled away from him. "So do you understand me?" Devin ask him, trailing a hand along his check. Angelo nodded quickly at him. "You're going to stay right there and watch as we finish up. Got me?"I watched Angelo slowly nodded again at his words.

I wanted to scream at Devin for even suggesting that but the longer I stood here the more the idea appeal to me. I knew it shouldn't but when Devin had his way I felt like i had no control over what I truly wanted. 

Then again was he really telling the truth when he said I make these decision, he just brings them out of me? He couldn't be could he? I never thought this was something I wanted but I was almost jumping at the opportunity to do so right now.

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