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He open his mouth to speak but it snapped shut once we both heard the door creak open behind us and I watched him drop his gaze to the ground almost instantly.

"What going on here?" I heard a snarky voice say from behind me.

"Nothing Master." I heard Ricky say in an even softer voice then he was speaking in before. Well I guess that answers my question on what he is supposed to call him.

He let out a sinister laugh that caused shivers to move down my spin. I tired my hardest to hide it, trying to make myself look stronger then I felt. I was trying my hardest to not show any form of fear. I didn't want to give him that stratification.  

I heard him start to walk in my direction. The sound that his shoes made against the wood floors were different that what I usual hear from him. It almost sounded like they were heavy boots by the stomping sounded they seemed to make which was so different then the clicking sound the heels would make. Either way though I'm really hoping that they don't wake Ange up because I'll be pissed if they do. 

He walked around me almost like I wasn't even there. He had his sights set on Ricky and I could see him cowering even more with every step he took in his direction. Devin stop so he was standing right behind him and he placed a hand forcefully on Ricky's shoulder causing him to jump. Devin seemed to be natural a little bit taller then Ricky but I feel like most of the height came from the platform on his boots. After he was settled where he was he looked up at me and out eyes locked.

He seemed different today and it wasn't just the demeanor that Devin was giving off but also by the appearance he was presenting himself as. His hair was still long but it almost seemed to be more messy and curlier then before. He had a beard which defiantly threw me off because I don't think humans could grow that much facial hair that quickly but I don't really think he was human. He had his makeup on more messy with just some back eye shadow smug along his eyes. His whole appearance had a bit of a Charles Manson vibe to it which was a completely changed then how he originally presented himself to me.

"It's doesn't seem like nothing." Devin said gripping Ricky shoulder harder and he then remove his gaze from mine and shot a more menacing one at Ricky.  

"I was just trying to figure some things out and he was the only one I could guess where to find." I said quickly, covering for him. I had a feeling that if Devin heard that Ricky had lured me up here it wouldn't end well for him and he seemed so frightened I couldn't help but want to ease his mind a bit. 

"Is that so?" Devin ask with a smirk. He walked around Ricky to come and stand in front of me. He wrap his arms around my neck and went up on his tip toes to bring himself closer to my ear. He was quite a bit shorter then me even in the shoes he wore meaning it was a small bit of a reach for him. "Or were you looking for something else." He ask me with a seductive tone. He moved one of his hands from around my neck and trailed his hands around my chest. Due to this all happening after I was trying to sleep all I was in was a pair of sweatpants. 

"I only came up here to discus some things and I think I'm going to leave now." I said forcefully and I pulled myself out of his grasp. I turned to walk towards the door and I was surprised he was just letting me leave but I was gratefully for it. But of course nothing ever seems as easy as I think it would be because once I was at the door it slammed shut in my face. 

He let out a loud laugh and I turned back around to face him with a glare. "What did you really think you were going to get to leave? Come on we both know you don't really want to." He said playfully and walked over to me. "Don't you remember all the fun you had with me last time?" 

I ended up grinding my teeth out of frustration. "I would like to leave." I said in a strongly demanding tone.  

"Come on stop lying to yourself." He said to me walking around me. He stop once he was behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. "Plus  you do have the both of us here and he'll do whatever I tell him too." He whipper to me quietly and in that moment my eyes locked with Ricky's and I slowly started to fall into that trance like state I was in the last time Devin came around. When that happen I knew I was in to deep to get out now.

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