Chapter 2

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Laying down in my room listening to music was going to get boring if I do this for internity. I had nothing to do because I don't have a mate.

Edward come on it is time to go!.....Alice.

I don't know what made Alice so happy about going to school. We know everything.
Sighing I got out of my room.

Saying goodbye to Esme I got into my car with the rest of my siblings.
When we got to school we got out and everyone's thoughts are always the same.

OH MY GOD! They are soooooo hot!

That blonde chick looks sexy! I will have her.

That bronzed hair boy is so cute.

We walked to the receptionist office to see a lady with red hair and looks about sixty. Her name tag read Ms. Cope.

Jasper cleared his throat so she will notice us. She turned to us and her eyes widened.
Wow. Aren't they beautiful.

"Yes? How may I help you?" she saud slightly dazed.

"Yeah. We are the Cullens. We need our schedules." Jasper said.

She nodded. "Okay, here is your schedules, the map of the school, and make sure your teacher signs is and hand it back to me by the end of the day."

"Thank you."

We all walked out just to be stopped by a short girl with really curly hair.

"Hey. My name is Jessica Stanley. Nice to meet you all. I uh...just came over to welcome you to the school and wondering if you guys need any help finding your classes." she said. He is hot! I will give him a few weeks then ask him out.

"Nice to meet you too. Thanks for offering but we won't need any help." I said while moving.

"Okay. That's cool. Well, good luck on your first day." before walking away she forgot to say something. "Oh and just a reminder."

Won't she just leave us alone!?....Rosalie.

"You might want to stay away from the freak twins."

"The freak twins?" Alice asked.

Jessica nodded. "The Swan twins. You will know exactly who they are." she finally walked away then.

"The freak twins. That is rude. Why would she consider them freaks?" Alice said.

"Who knows. See you guys at lunch." I said before walking off. This year me, Alice and Jasper would be posing as Juniors while Emmett and Rose will be Seniors.

The day passed quickly and before I knew it, it was lunch. I found my siblings waiting by the doors of the cafeteria. We always walked in together.

"Nice of you to join us." Emmett said. I rolled my eyes.
We walked in and like a teenage movie everyone stopped talking and looked at us but two people.

We sat down at a table next to them and started to talk.

"So did anyone see the freak twins yet?" Jasper said.

We all said no. Then suddenly we hear a voice.

"I don't know Bella. I think the last star should come right-" he stopped and looked up. That must be one of the twins. I don't see why everyone calls them freaks. Apart from his eyes he looks friendly. I didn't see his sister yet.

"I think I found them." I said.

"Where?" Alice said.

"The table right in front of us."

They all look at the table as soon as the girl looks up. She was very beautiful. She had the same eyes as her brother. What is up with that?

Dude their eyes....Emmett

I tried to look into their minds but I got nothing.

"I can't read their minds." Everyone looked at me shocked.
"You're not the only one. I can't feel their emotions and Alice can't see their future." Jasper said.

"They could be a threat." Rosalie said.

"I doubt it Rose. They don't look like threats."

I looked back at their table and it looks like they are talking. The boy looks to the door and back to the girl. The took their stuff and left without a second glance.

"What is up with their eyes?" Emmett said.

"They are just weird!" Rosalie said.

"Maybe Carlisle knows something about it." I said.
They all nod and we head off to class.
As I walked into Biology the whole class went silent. I walked to the teacher.
"You must be Edward Cullen. I am Mr. Barner. I hope you will like it in this class. You will be sitting with Isabella Swan."

Isabella? I looked around to see who it is and I notice it is the girl twin. As I sat down her sent hit me like a ton of boulders.
It was so intoxicating it was taking all of my strength for me not to jump up and drink her blood.

The whole class I went without breathing and as soon as the bell ran I was out. Deciding to skip my last period I went to my car and played my most relaxing CD. Debussy, Clair De Lune. But this time it wasn't working.
By the time the bell rang my slip was turned in and I was impatiently waiting for my siblings to hurry up.

As soon as they closed the car door I sped off. No doubt Alice saw my decision. She looked at me.

Are you really leaving Edward?

I nodded.

She sighed. I will miss you. We all will.

I sighed too knowing I will be away for awhile.


You know when it is! Next Saturday!

In the mean time Vote and Comment! 😊

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