Chapter 6

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Me and Ryan went to our rooms after mom's flashback. What I don't understand is why Ryan and I can't seem to remember much about that day.

As I laying in my bed, I felt another presence in my room.
Ryan? He must be sleep.
Then there was a big white flash that bounded across my room. In its place was, Asteria.

She smiled. "Hello, my little Isabella."

I thought you could only come here, to earth, in our dreams.

"I can. But this type of visits are only for emergencies."

Are we in trouble? Is something bad going to happen?

"Your whole future, along with O'Ryan's is planned out. Just follow my clues and you will have the one you are meant to be with. Understood?"
I nodded. A, what about Ryan? I have a mate but he has no one. What will he do?

She faded a little. "I have someone special for him. I have to go. My time is up."
When she said that, I felt drowsy. "Goodnight, my dear."


I was in a dark room full of mirrors. A bunch of them are broken. I can see a bloody, broken person in the back. It's me.

A person, walked towards me. As he comes into view, I can see that he has blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail and his eyes are dark with thirst. Vampire.

"Can't save the little human now. All broken, and almost dead. Where is your prescious Edward? He can't save you now can he?" He growled.

This unknown vampire got down on my level. "He will find you soon. But not alive."
He grabbed my wrist and stuck his teeth in it.

I screamed and everything went black.

~End of Nightmare~

I gasped for air when I woke up. What the hell was that? I hate having nightmares. They always make me feel, scared afterwords.

I started breathing heavily. I jumped out of my bed, and ran out the room.

When we were younger, Ryan used to let me sleep in his bed whenever I had a nightmare. Since Charlie lived in Forks and us in Phoenix, Ryan was the one who kept my monsters away. That was before he left to stay with Charlie when we were 7.

I knocked on his door carefully and when I got no answer, I opened the door. Ryan was sleeping on his back, his hair more wild than usual. I stepped to the other side of him, pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes.

"Bella wake up."

I groaned and rolled over. "We have to go, so get up."
Did Asteria talk to you last night?

"In fact, she did. She told me that, I will find her. But I have no idea who she is talking about. Do you?"

I blushed and smiled. Yes. But I am not telling. Good luck. You're going to need it.

He left the room mumbling something about traitors.
I'm doing a good deed for him. He should be thankful. The less he knows, the better.

"Please listen to what, Asteria tells you two. And stick together. We don't want the same thing that happened ten years ago."
Renee says to us.

"Mom, we are older now. That was most likely a one time thing." Ryan said. I nodded in agreement.

"The same thing happened when you were five. But a little differently. I don't believe it for one second. I love you two."

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