Chapter 3

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When we got home we noticed that the cruiser was in the driveway.

Dad is home early.

"I can see that."

We got out of the car and walked through the door and saw dad sitting on the couch watching a game.

"Hey dad." Ryan said while sitting down next to him.

Charlie looked at us. "Hey Ryan. Bella." I smiled at him.
Any reason why you are home so early.

"Why are you home so early?"

"Well, Billy and Jacob are coming over to watch the game."

Nice. Now I have to make extra food. Ryan covered up his laugh with a cough. Don't get me wrong I like Billy and Jake. It is just that Jacob is a little to overly friendly for my taste.

I walked in the kitchen deciding on what to cook. Grilled Cheese will work. As I was making those someone knocked on the door.
"Hey Billy! How is it going?" Charlie said.

"Going just fine." he said.

"Hey Charlie" Jacob said. "Hello Jake."

"Jacob! My man!" Ryan said. "Hey man!"

I rolled my eyes and carried the plate full of Grilled Cheese sandwiches to the living room."Bella, hey." Jacob said.

I smiled at both of them and sat down at the couch.
About an hour later I was board with everything so I called it a night.
I stood up and walked to my room. I did not realize I was so tired until I saw my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.


I was still in my room and I saw Grandma A.

"Why Isabella. It has been so long. You have grown into such a beautiful young lady."

I smiled. "It is nice to see you as well. You haven't visited in a while." I can talk in my dreams because of Asteria.

"Yes. I have been very busy." she took a deep breath. "I assume you have some questions?"

"You are correct. Did you ever say something about gold eyes at one point?"

"Yes I have but I can't tell you again. You must figure that out by yourself."

I sighed but nodded. "Okay. Is there anything we need to look out for? Any danger?"

"Yes. When the time come don't play baseball at the clearing. Make up a lie. And watch out of a person with the name of James." she said before she faded away.

"No! Asteria!"

"Until next time Isabella."

~End of Dream~

I woke up gasping for air. What did she mean? Baseball? Clearing? James? What?

As I looked around my room I saw a piece of paper with mine and Ryan's name on it. I took the paper and read it.

Isabella and O'Ryan

Remember, don't play baseball in the clearing and stay away from James.


Okay. Time to tell Ryan. He is not going to like this. It is four in the morning and he likes his sleep. Well the sleep is going to have to wait this is important.

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