Chapter 8

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Read Author's note at the end.


As of right now, Ryan and I are driving to Port Angeles. He said that it felt like something was telling him to go there.

Don't say a single word, Isabella. Said a voice in my head. Let him figure it out.

"What are you going to do when we get there?" Ryan asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

I might take a walk. I 'said.' What about you?

He shrugged, "I don't know. It still feels like...something is pulling me somewhere. It's weird," he then turned to me. "Do you know something about it?" He accused.

I smirked at him. Maybe I do, maybe I don't.

Glaring at me, he turned back to the road and continued driving.

Minutes later, he pulled up in front of a music store. When we got out, he turned to me.

"Can we meet at Bella Italia in an hour?" His eyes kept flickering inside the building.

Smiling, I thought, I guess. See you in a hour.
He kissed my forehead, and walked in the store.

Turning in the other direction, I began to walk.

*30 minutes later*

Do you ever get that feeling when it feels like someone is watching you? Or following?

Well, that is how I'm feeling right now.

I'm about a few blocks away from Ryan, yet I can't contact him. Our link is cut off, I think. But, that can't happen, unless we are in a different state. Or miles away.

I know I'm not that far.

Looking behind me again, I froze in my tracks.

Three guys were following me. And, they did not look sober.

They stumbled closer to me, and started to laugh.
"Hey baby." Slurred the one in the middle.

I looked back in front of me, and started walking faster. Occasionally I looked back, but now I saw nothing.

Taking a sigh of relief, I slowed down. Ryan! I thought, Are you there?



I turned around, and saw the same three guys from last time. But, now they have two more friends.

I realized that they had me trapped. I was surrounded.
Ryan. Okay, I kinda need you!

One drunk in particular caught my eye. He smiled at me, and his grey eyes flashed.
Don't worry, Isabella. We can't hurt you.

Asteria? What are you doing here?

He- Asteria- didn't answer. She just continue to play along.

Tires screeching brought me out of my head. The guys stopped when the car came into view.

The familiar car stop a few feet away from me.
The door opened, and Edward stepped out. "Get in the car."
He looked furious.

Quickly, I went to the other side of the car, and got in.
One of the guys said something to Edward and whatever he said, made him mad.

Edward must have said, or did something that made them step back with wide eyes. But...Asteria. She smiled softly and vanished in thin air.

Edward must not be able to see her.
Walking away, he sat back in the car.

Edward made a sharp turn, and drove out to the street.
He didn't talk for a while, but then a few minutes into the drive, he said, "Are you alright Bella?"

Looking back at him, I noticed that his jaw was tight, and his eyes were black instead of his usual gold.
I nodded.

"I should get you back to your brother," he sighed, "he might be worried." Again I nodded.

Then I felt a little buzzing in my head. It didn't hurt, but it was annoying.

A very worried voice finally rung out, BELLA! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!

I winced, and Edward looked at me with a worried look. Ry, calm down. I'm fine. Now I am.

I could tell he sighed, Are you sure? What happened? I tried to talk to you, but I kept getting nothing.

It was Asteria. Why she did it, I don't know. But, I will be there soon.


He let me go. I turned back to Edward, and he was looking at me curiously. He looked back to the road. "You don't mind if I take you to dinner, do you?"

I think I blushed. Looking away from him, I nodded. I think he was smiling.

My mate is so cute.

Soon, we pulled up to Bella Italia, and we saw Ryan pacing.
When he hear us, he looked up. And he look elated.

Pulling me into a hug, he kissed my forehead. "I was worried."

Don't worry. I signed. I'm okay now.
I'm going to tell him the truth.

His eyes widened. Turning to look at Edward, who was looking at the stars, Ryan glared at him.
"Are you sure Bella?"

I nodded.
"What do you want me to tell dad?"

Thinking it over, I shrugged.
"Fine. I'll think of something." Another glare towards Edward, then Ryan left.

"Shall we?" Edward smiled. And that smile made my heart jump.
Smiling, I took his arm that was out and we made our way inside.

"Hello, welcome to Bella Italia. How may I help you?" The girl was checking out Edward with wide eyes. And that bothered me. A lot.

"Table for two." He said smiling.
Her eyes flickered to me, then she walked us to a table.

"Your waiter will be right with you," With another grin to Edward, she left.

"Are you sure you are alright?" He asked with concern deep in his voice.
I nodded.

A pretty unnatural blonde came to the table.
She put a piece of short hair behind her ear, and smiled at Edward.

"Hey, I'm Amber and I'll be your waiter this evening. What can I get you to drink?" She was only talking to Edward.

He looked at me, and I raised an eyebrow. Reminding his that I can't talk. "Oh right. I believe two cokes will be fine."

She sighed, yet nodded. "And, are you ready to order? Anything at all?" She is really making me want to hurt her.

"Bella, would you like anything?" He looked really worried, thinking I might go into shock or something.

Smiling a bit, I signed Mushroom ravioli.

Amber took the order and left the table.
Edward stared right into my eyes, not saying anything.

Taking a big gulp of air, I said the one thing that I have been waiting to say all night.

I know what you are, Edward.


1) Why do you think Ryan is so happy? What do you think will happen next?

2) This chapter took waayyy longer than expected. Sorry 😕

3) Okay, so I have now got a weird obsession for werewolf books, and I have been wanting to write one....should I? If so should I post it on my second account Unknown_WriterGirl or on this on?

4) Abandoned will be taking longer...because it seems like my brain wants to not have any ideas 😤


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