Chapter 9

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Five minutes.

That's how long Edward didn't talk. Or move. I don't think he is even breathing.

Soon enough, he showed signs of life.
"Are you finished?"

Nodding silently- like I have a choice- I follow him out of the building, after he payed the bill.

"How do you know what I am?" He said when we got in his car.

I smirked. I know people. And they know a lot of things.

"Who are the people? And, are you afraid?" His hands tightened around the wheel, but Edward restrained himself from snapping it.

I looked at him, confused. The person is not important. And, afraid of what?

"Myself Bella," he growled. "I'm a killer-a monster- Bella. I could easily kill if I touch you, even the slightest bit."

It was silent for a few minutes.
I don't care.

He looked at me, surprised. But, I could see the curiosity in his eyes. "You don't care?"

I shook my head no. A smile twitched on his lips. It was small, but there.

He stopped the car, and I looked around in shock. We're here.

"This weekend," he started. "Are you doing anything?" I shook my head no. "Well, I would like to take you somewhere. Is that okay?"

Smiling slightly, I nodded. Edward's little smirk, turned into a full blown grin. Then, he looked at the house. "You should get inside. Your brother is getting worried."

Hesitating, I softly put my lips on his cheek.

Stepping out the car, I looked back at Edward who was still sitting there looking stunned.

Chuckling, I opened the door and saw Ryan pacing across the floor. When he saw me, he sighed in relief.

"You are so damn lucky that Charlie is working a double. So, why couldn't I talk to you?"

I replayed the moment in my mind, and Ryan looked angry. "Why the hell would she do that! Why was she thinking?"

"I was thinking a lot of things O'Ryan."

Both of us jumped in surprised, and saw Asteria looking at Ryan with a disapproving glare. "It was time for Edward to know that you know. And you should be happy; you finally have your own mate."


A blush came over his cheeks. "Um...yeah. A mate. Well, hopefully."

Jumping, I gave my brother a hug and congratulated him.
What is she like?

"She's... beautiful. She has dark red hard-it almost looks like yours-and she has the most beautiful eyes. Clear grey."

Grey? But I thought people who were only descendants of Greek Gods only had grey eyes?

"That's right," he whispered. Looking over to where Asteria was, but she was gone.


Walking out separate ways, I showered, and changed. And tried to go to sleep.

But, I couldn't get my vampire out of my mind.


The rest of the week passed by slowly, and really nothing happened.

Everyone still avoided us at school, we were still getting curious glances from the Cullens, and Edward and I are getting closer.

Now it's Friday, and a very sunny day. So, no Cullens.

"So what are you doing this weekend?" Ryan asked over lunch.

Um...Edward asked if he could take me somewhere. And I need you to cover for me.

"That's going to be hard. I'm going to meet up with Stephenie."

Ah. The mysterious girl that stole my brother's heart. I haven't met her yet, but I'm very excited to meet her.

Asteria still hasn't made her presence known. It's like she's hiding, or something.

I looked to the woods, it seems like the fifth time I done that, to see something. It feels like someone is watching me.

And I know who it is.

Later that night during dinner, Charlie asked us what we are doing this weekend.

Ryan and I looked at each other.

Just say it. He is going to find out anyways.

"We...both have dates," he said blushing. I did too.

He asked who it was, and Charlie was not happy that I was going to be with Edward.

But, Ryan said that he would be with us, so no worries. Good thing Charlie didn't know he was lying.

Laying down in my bed, my mind went straight to Edward.

I already know about him but, he should know about us. It would only seem fair.


Do not worry Isabella, said a voice. The time will come soon.

And with that, I feel asleep with a smile on my face.

Waiting for tomorrow.


I hate this chapter too, but oh freaking well.

What do you think? When should Bella and Ryan tell the Cullens?

Who is this mysterious Stephenie girl?

What's up with Asteria?

Lots of questions that should be answered.
Speaking of questions.....

YOU HAVE THREE CHOICES! Well, when this is done.

1) Forbidden- Bella is a weird type of wolf, and here comes The Volturi.

2) Imprinted- Everyone is a wolf

3) Lunar Eclipse- To get this, you will have to read DerekHaleGirl97 Midnight Sun series to get it. This will be a twist to obviously, Lunar Eclipse.

Alright, well that's it for now.


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