Chapter 12

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When Stephenie drove off, Ryan turned to me. Are you sure about this? They might think we're crazy.

Turning my head slightly, I saw Edward's eyes staring back. Like I said before, we just have to convince them. Is Asteria coming?

She should be.

I nodded. Telling him to stay here, I walked up to Edward. I'd like to talk to you and your family about something important. If that's okay.

Edward looked at me confusingly, but nodded. He walked inside, while I went back to Ryan.

Ready? He shook his head, but followed me inside.

Most of the Cullens—besides Rosalie and Emmett—was inside. They looked at us curiously​, but didn't say anything.

"So we know what you guys are," Ryan started off. "But we didn't find out recently. We found out maybe two weeks after you arrived." He looked at me, asking if that was correct.

I shrugged. About so. Get to the point, Asteria's almost here.

"A good friend of ours told us what you were." A look of shock came over their faces. "She's actually...I guess you could say mythical herself."

"Who's your friend?" Esme asked.

"That would be me." Asteria soon came into view, look a lot better but still tired. "It's great to finally meet you, Cullens. I'm Asteria."

"Your name sounds so familiar," Carlisle muttered.

"Because, Carlisle, it is. I'm the goddess of the stars."

"Oh please," Rosalie murmured. Her and Emmett came in a few minutes ago before Asteria.

Her grey eyes narrowed at the blonde. Just ignore her, I said to Asteria. Rosalie isn't a big fan of us.

"You were much more cheerful in your human life, Rosalie Hale." Rosalie​ then finally looked at us with a fierce glare. The rest of the Cullens looked extremely curious.

"My human life?" Rosalie growled. "How the hell do you know about that."

"We know everything," Asteria smirked. "The past, present and future. I know everything about you all."

Alice's eyes widened and lit up. "Even me?"

"That includes you, Alice," she said softly. "But I would have to explain that another time." Asteria stood up, with Ryan with her. "One more thing, do not play baseball tonight. Nomads are around the area, yes?"

"They are, but we haven't caught sight if them," Carlisle said.

"Still. Don't play." Ryan gave me a hug, while she stroked my hair. Soon, they vanished.

As soon as they were gone, Edward grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs to a large room with a piano. He sat down on the bench, and turned to face me.

"You're part goddess?" He questioned. Not even really half, but I still nodded. Edward ran a hand through his messy hair and sighed.

Do you have a question? I signed to him.

"Yeah. But only if you can answer it." Edward pulled my hand so I was seated on his lap.

I'll do my best.

"A goddess," he repeated once more. "Does that mean you're immortal?" Looking at him sadly, I shook my head.

Only the actual gods and goddesses are. We are not.

A large frown was placed on Edward's face. Rubbing my thumb over his jaw, I kissed his cheek and his lips soon followed.

"Don't be sad", I mouthed to him when I pulled away. "Let's just enjoy now."

Finally Edward gave me his crooked smile. "I can agree to that."


After staying at his house for a few more hours, Edward finally took me home. When he walked me to the door, he promised to come back when everyone was sleeping.


Why couldn't we go out with them," Ryan asked me when Charlie went to bed. "I think that'd be awesome if we'd play."

I rolled my eyes at him. Do you hear yourself, Ry? Would would be out before you could make a step. Ryan scowled, but didn't comment.

After five minutes of watching TV, we went to our separate rooms. Edward said he wouldn't be back until everyone went to sleep, so I decided to take a shower.

But when I came back I almost died. He was there, staring at the ceiling. Edward gave me a smile when he saw me, and patted the space next to him.

Crawling in next to him, I put my head on his chest while he caressed my cheek. "How would you react if I asked you to prom?"

I chuckled softly and kissed his jaw. I would say no. I can't dance.

Edward hummed but didn't say anything else. After sitting in silence, I lifted my head up and smiled at him. "Do you love me?"

Giving me his crooked smile, he pressed our foreheads together. "Forever." Cupping my jaw, his lips touched mine.

Forever? I like the sound of that.


Sequel? 🤔 Maybe...maybe not.

Probably not.

Most likely no.

Another shitty ending, but I will fix that when I edit.

Till next story

Speaking of story...might delete Mending the Broken Pieces. But idk. The plot kinda grew dry.

Peace ✌

(To all who speaks Italian, pm me. I need help with translating and crap. Only if you're up for it 😊)

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