Chapter 7

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That person in Dylan O'Brien. He will be playing Bella's brother, as you all know is Ryan. It took me a while to find a person. So here you go!



As Ryan and I got off the plane, we found Charlie and he lead us to the cruiser.

Ryan, what if mom is right. What if that happens again? I mean, we're older so that means it could be worse.

I could tell he rolled his eyes from the back seat.
I don't agree with you. Well, partly. You could be right about it being worse, but it won't happen again. I mean the longest we have ever been away this year is what...a week? Nothing happened.
I sighed. Yeah. I'm probably just over reacting.

He nodded in agreement.
We pulled up to the house and Ryan opened the door for me and helped me out. I am used to gentlemanly antics around him.

We got to the house and I walked up to my room. When I entered, everything was out of place. My sketch book was on the floor, not on my bed. My books and dresser looks liked it was ransacked.

What the...Ryan!

I heard footsteps running up the stairs and Ryan burst into my room. "Bella, you okay?"

I said yes, but waved my hand to the mess. Someone was in my room. Everything is out of place!

"Okay. I thought it was just me." I looked at him confused. "Oh. Mine is just the same. I asked dad if he was in my room, but said he was never in there. I doubt he came in here."

My eyes widened. You don't think it was...

He hesitated. "Well...I am not saying no, but it looks like it."

They really went this far!

"Being in my room, I have no problem with. But they can't expect me to like them when they violated my sister's property." Ryan growled.

Ry, we need to confront them. This is getting out of hand. But we just can't rip off the bandaid on this. We can't just say "We know what you are, and you are my mate." That would just seem creepy.

"Okay, I see where you are going. But we need to take it slow. Baby steps. Give out hints!"

I was going to say something, but a big white flash, blinded us for a second. "Asteria?"

"Hello, O'Ryan, Isabella."

What are you doing here?

"The time is almost right for you to tell them. No little steps. Like I told Isabella before, look for my clues and you will know."


"No buts O'Ryan. Just do it." She disappeared.
"Fine. No baby steps."

I laughed but he stomped out of the room. I grabbed my sketch book and at the same moment, a picture popped up in my head.

I got my pencil and started to draw. The shape of his jaw. The messiness of his hair. That stunning crooked smile. I also got my color pencil and did his hair and eyes.

I have to say, I am pretty impressed with this.

Sighing, I put the notepad on the table. I laid my head on my pillow and closed my eyes.

The next morning, Ryan woke me up, after teasing me about the picture I drew.

We pulled up to the school and, we saw the Cullens not to far away.
We got out and it looks like they are looking us over. But Edward seemed relived. Was he worried about something? Was he worried about me?

I looked over to Ryan, and saw he was glaring at Edward. I rolled my eyes, and punched his arm to get his attention.

"Ow! What?"

Stop glaring at him!

Fine! But don't expect me to be nice to him.

Please. For me? Just try. You don't have to be friends, but try.

Fine, fine.

We both walked to the school, but I looked at Edward, and sighed.

Stop drooling, and come on!

Ryan grabbed my hand, and we got to the school.

People looked at us weird, and actually moved out of the way, instead of bumping into us.
It hit me. They are scared. We basically, threatened Jessica. Or, something like that.

I could get used to this. Ryan smiled.

A few classes, was the same way. Everyone looked at me weird, as well as Ryan. Not going to lie, the teachers did as well.

"Hey. You're Bella...right?" said Mike Newton. He picked on Ryan a bit. But he stopped, knowing my brother could hurt him.

I nodded. "Well, if you are not busy this weekend..." He trailed off.

"Mike do we have a problem here?" Ryan glared at him. Mike gulped and walked away.


"Don't worry about it. I have to go to Port Angels tonight, wanna come?" We walked to biology.

Why not. I need to get something.

Ryan walked me to Biology and told me to have fun. Glaring at him, I walked to my seat. Edward was already there.

He didn't say anything to me, and that kind of hurt.
I sat down at my desk and faced away from him.

Edward didn't look, or even talk to me. For the whole hour. That really hurt.

But, thankfully, he said something. Well, thanks to Mike Newton.
"Hey Bella. Now that we are alone, I wanted to ask you something."

Mike came up during the last few minutes of class. I can already tell this will be bad. Edward went stiff, can clenched his fist.
"Would you go to the spring dance with me?" He rushed out and blushed.

I can't be sure, but I think Edward growled. I stole a glance at him and turned back to Mike. I shook my head no.

He looked disappointed. "Oh, well that is okay. We still have prom." He walked off before I could say something. I mean, do something.

The bell rang, and I packed my things. I thought Edward would rush out like he does many times. Until he said my name. "Bella?"

I turned around and he was staring at me.
What? Are you talking to me now?

He smirked. "No. Not really."

Then what do you want?

He sighed. "I am being very rude, I know, but it is for the best."

If you only knew Edward. I rolled my eyes at his comment, and started to walk away. Me being me, my foot bumped into the door, making my books fall to the ground.

I picked them up, but I noticed that my sketch book was gone. I looked up and saw that Edward had it. He was staring at a page, and I quickly snatched it out of his hands and saw that it was the picture from last night.

He saw this? He must think I am a creep now. Blushing badly I turned around and quickly walked away from him.

So embarrassing.


Well this sucks.

Peace ✌

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