Chapter 5

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"Rosalie, I think you are right we need to figure out what they are." I said. They all nodded in agreement.

"But what are we going to do? It is not like we can just sneak in their rooms." Emmett said sarcastically.
We all looked at him in shock. "What?"

"That is the first smart thing I have ever heard you said." Jasper said.

"Okay enough about Emmett's smart moment. When should we go." Alice said.
"We could go tonight." I said. We all nodded and headed to my car. Alice said the sun would be out later today.

At home we headed different ways. I sat down on the couch. For some reason I couldn't get Bella out of my mind. There is something about her that makes me feel...alive. In all of my years of existing I have never thought about someone like that. Not even when I was human.

I didn't realize I was so deep in thought until Rose and Em walked downstairs. "Okay. Lets get this thing over with." Emmett said.
We told Carlisle and Esme we were hunting and would be back later. "Charlie is working a late shift so he will be back around midnight." Alice said.

We finally saw their house come into view. I listened for any noise but it is completely empty.

"They must not be in." Jasper said.
"Alice, Rosalie see if you can find anything in Bella's room. Jasper, Em and I will look in Ryan's."

We went in different directions and Jasper, Em and I climbed through the window that enters Ryan's room.

"Lets look around." Emmett said. I was looking around his bed when Jasper said something.
"Guys, check this out."

Emmett and I went to Jasper's side he had a notebook in his hand.
On one of the pages it had the Little Dipper on the page. It also had a date on it. May 18, 2000.

"What does that mean?" Emmett said. Jasper shrugged but kept looking through.
He saw a recently added on with a different date. January 10, 2017.

"That is ten years from now. And what are these?" Jasper said.

"Emmett, Edward, Jasper!" Alice said.
We ran from Ryan's room to Bella's. That was a bad idea. He scent was everywhere and it was strong. "Edward, you can stand out side." Jasper said. I nodded and went through the window.

I exhaled letting go of the scent.
"What did you find?" Emmett said.

"Nothing much. Just that she likes to draw. A lot." Rosalie sighed.

"We got nothing either. Lets just go home." I said.

They jumped out the window and we ran home.
We discussed on what they could be.

What is wrong with Bella? What is she? And, why do I feel a strong connection to her?


When we got off the plane we looked for our mom.
She and Phil said that she would pick us up.

"Bella! Ryan!" We turn our head and saw Renee running towards us. She pulled us into a hug.

"What are you guys doing here? You said you would visit next month."

Tell her Ry.

"We have some news. But it would be better if we are not in the human eye."
She looked worried but nodded.

Renee told us that Phil was out for the day and Ryan took that as good news. He is not a big fan of him. But I like him.

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