Chapter 4

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That night I told him about my theory and the dream. He seemed to agree with me but we will be keeping an eye on the Cullens just in case.
The next day me and Ryan were sitting at lunch. He was watching me draw as usual.
Then a hand slammed down on the table.

I looked up and saw Jessica. But she was different.
She had pimples all on her face and at least half of her hair was dead. She wasn't dressed in her usual attire. A sweatshirt and baggy sweat pants is what she is wearing.
I tried so hard not to laugh. Grandma Asteria can play dirty.

"May we help you Jessica?" Ryan said.

"You two did this!" the whole cafeteria went quiet and looked at us. "And what did we do?"

"Don't play stupid O'Riley! You and your freak of a sister gave me acne!"

He rolled his eyes. "It's Ryan. And maybe if you took care of your face and hair you wouldn't have this problem, now would you?"

Jessica looked furious. Her hand lift up like she was going to hit Ryan. Not on my watch.
He hand made a fist and made its way to Ryan's face.
My hand stopped at the last minute. My palm is over her fist and is putting enough pressure to break the bones but not enough.

Jessica is on the ground on her knees muttering 'ow'.
"Now look Jessica, I suggest you leave us alone before Bella does break your hand." she nods.

Bella let her go she is not worth it.

I tossed her hand away and sat back down. Jessica got up and looked at me scared. I glared at her and she ran out of the cafeteria.
Looking around I saw that the other students looked scared as well.

We both looked at the Cullens and their eyes bugged out of their heads. This happens to us when we get really angry. Our stronger part of us takes over and we need to cool down before something bad happens.

"Bella you need to cool down." Before you do something. Nodding we left the cafeteria.


"I don't think they are human." Rosalie said. "No one has grey eyes and Edward, Alice and Jasper should be able to use your powers."
We are having another meeting on the Swan twins. So far we have nothing.

"And do you see the way they look at each other? It is like they are having a privet conversation." Emmett said.
"We need to figure out what they are. And maybe Edward could help with that." Jasper said.

They all look at me.

"What Jasper is trying to say is that you can date Bella so you can figure out what she is." Alice said.
"That seems very rude."

"Okay fine! We will talk more but we have to get going." Jasper said.
We left to school and in one of my classes I saw Jessica Stanley looking...different.

My god! She looks hideous!...Rosalie. She isn't wrong.

It was lunch now and everyone has saw Jessica and is talking about it.
At our table we saw Jessica walking up to the twins looking angry.

She slammed her hand down on the table. "May we help you Jessica?" Ryan said.
"You two did this!" the whole cafeteria went quiet and looked at them. "And what did we do?"
"Don't play stupid O'Riley! You and your freak of a sister gave me acne!"

Is she serious....Emmett.

How stupid can she get....Rosalie.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "It's Ryan. And maybe if you took care of your face and hair you wouldn't have this problem, now would you?"

Jessica looked furious. Her hand lift up like she was going to hit Ryan. He hand made a fist and made its way to Ryan's face.
Bella's hand stopped at the last minute. Bella's palm is over Jessica's fist and is putting enough pressure to break the bones but not enough.

Ow ow ow! Damn! She is strong!....Jessica.

Jessica is on the ground on her knees muttering 'ow'.
"Now look Jessica, I suggest you leave us alone before Bella does break your hand." she nods.

Bella tossed her hand away and sat back down. Jessica got up and looked at her scared. Bella glared at her and she ran out of the cafeteria.


Jessica really was frightened by her....Jasper.

They look at us and it seems like their grey eyes are darker. Ryan looks at Bella and spoke quietly. "You need to calm down." She nods and they leave.

"What the hell happened." Alice said.
"Bella was putting enough force on her hand to break it. A human can't do that." I said.

"That's it!" Rosalie said. She got up from the table and to the doors of the cafeteria.

"She is going to talk to them!" Alice said. We all ran out of the cafeteria and we saw Rosalie had cornered Bella and Ryan.

"Rosalie! What are you doing!?" Emmett said.
"I am tired of playing nice! I am finding out what they are, now!"


"I am tired of playing nice! I am finding out what they are, now!"

Me and Ryan turned to the noise and saw Rosalie coming towards us. Oh no! Ryan what do we do?

Play dumb. Make them confess first.

Rosalie jogged over to us, looking wary, but brave.
"Hello Rosalie. May we help you?" Ryan is always so formal.

"What are you?" by this time all of her family is standing behind her.
"We could say the same about you."

"Who can have grey eyes? And only one grey eye for that matter." Emmett said.

Oh please! They are an adopted family yet they all have gold eyes?

"Some people can have grey eyes. It is just really rare. And some people can have two eye color. Again just really rare. But you are an adopted family yet all of your eyes are the same color. Explain that." Ryan raised an eyebrow at them. I smirked.

They looked stunned. "I think we are done here." Ryan said. We turned around and headed to the truck. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw the Cullens. They were all talking quietly standing in a circle.

I think we should visit mom this weekend.

Ryan gave me a weird look. Why the sudden interest to visit?

I want to know more about them. If we are going to make them confess first, don't we need to know more.

He smiled at me. Fair point.

Later that night as Ryan promised a few days ago he put up the new constellation. I named it after him and he was excited about it. Orion's belt. It basically looked like a guy with an arrow but you really have to look for it.
Even though they won't be discovered in a few years it was nice enough to do it.

It takes all of Ryan's concentration to put it up. He has to hover his hand above the paper and that will start to glow white then his eye. After that, the stars on the page will start to go darker then it will stop. It will take no more than ten years for it to become visible to the human eye but, any supernatural creature can see it bright as day.

For my power, well first the night sky has to glow as well as my eye then slowly, a meteor shower will start to happen.

"Bella it is time to go." I heard Ryan said. I sat my sketch book down and grabbed my bags and walked downstairs.
Ryan grabbed them and we walked to the truck.

Does mom know what we are going to ask?

He sighed. "Yes. This will be her second time she will hear something about...that kind."


Ha another cliffie! Evil laugh!

Don't worry. The next update will be soon!

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