μ's x Reader ll.

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lazy night.
drabble. fluff.

"that's unfair!" cried nico, stomping her foot angrily, and jabbed a finger at rin, who had her arms around you, cuddling you with a wide grin, "i was going to cuddle with y/n–chan! you just had to come in our room and–" the red-head sighed exasperatedly, twirling her curled end, a bored expression painted on her features, "wait, why does it matter again?"

the senior adverted her glare over at the pianist, "why does it matter? seriously, maki–chan? you know damn well you wanna cuddle with her too, i know you like–"

"sh-shut up! you talk too much. besides, you should be more worried about being loud, and most likely to wake up the others, rather than cuddling with y/n–chan, you know?"

you chuckled at the two bickering, and grew comfortable against rin's smaller frame, "they gonna be at it all night, huh?" a soft giggle escapes rin's lips, and she nodded happily."yep, but at least I can have you all too myself, nya~"

I've to post this, and make it just a drabble!! urmm. y'all do you think i should make another one shot book for this? I'm messy with this book, and I just can't. it feels so outdated now.

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