Maki Nishikino x Reader

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Requested by ghostskull5434 I hope you and everybody else enjoy this story. I'll meet you at the end :) sorry if it's so crappy.

Edited- 3/21/17


I walked by the gate, and pressed the intercom button."Hello?" The voice of Maki's mother ranged through the speaker."Hey! It's me, y/n! I was wondering if I could come over?" I asked."Ahh yes, let me open the gate for you!" She replies, then after a few moments of silence—the gate finally opens.

I thanked her and walked through the open gate, and went inside. I took my shoes off, then quickly went upstairs to Maki's room. I stopped at her doorway, as I heard a high pitch bark. Don't tell me..I carefully walk over to the bed and look over her shoulders to confirm my suspicion.

There was a puppy that had black spots across it's body, the puppy nuzzles it's nose into Maki's hand as she pet it's head. "You never told me you liked dogs." She jumped at my sudden voice and quickly turned around with a large blush on her cheeks.

"(Y-Y/N)-chan! W-what are you doing here?!" She stuttered, while trying to hide the puppy."You don't need to hide em', I've been here for a while now, ya know?" I cross my arms and smirked."Wha- That's so weird!" She blurted out, finally taking the puppy behind her back— then placed it on her lap.

"Oh really eh? Aren't you the one who was following me and Nozomi-chan yesterday?" I accused. N-no..I-I would n-never...." She looked away— her lips pursed as darker shades of red darkens her flush cheeks. I giggled at her adorableness, and sat next to her.

"Anyways, how did you get this cute little guy?" I asked in curiosity as I scooped the pup in my arms, the pup barked happily, and licked my face."I found him on the street, and took him in, it's not like I wanted to or anything." She explains, twirling a lock of her hair.

"Really? huh?" I place the pup on Maki's lap."You really are something else, princess." I put my hands on my hips."I told you not to call me that!" She huffed in annoyance, then puffed her cheeks."You know you like me calling you princess." I laughed, and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Wh-whatever..." The pup jumped off Maki's lap, and started to run around the room."Someone's excited." I said watching in amusement as the excited puppy ran around the room."I was going to take him on a walk, do you want to come?" Maki asks, walking  over to the pup, and picked him up.

"Sure, I thought you'll never ask!" We walked downstairs, then put our shoes on."Mama! Is it okay if me and my friend take the dog on a walk?" Maki yelled out."Sure honey! Be safe!" With that we walked out the door, the smell of nature fills our nostrils.

"So what breed is he?" I asks eyeing down the pup as it nuzzled into her chest."A hound." She responds in a monotone voice."That's cool." I loop a arm around her waist, the red-head didn't project, but her cheeks was flushed.

"Let's go to the park! It will be fun, right little buddy?" I asked in a baby voice, bending down to Maki's chest and rubbed its head. The pup howled in agreement, then stuck it's tongue out."Alright let's go." We  walked to the park, and sat on the bench. She put the pup down, so it could play with other dogs.

Maki leans on my shoulder, and sighed."What's wrong, princess?" I look down to meet her gaze."It's nothing, I'm just glad we can spend some time together." She sighs in content and closes her eyes in relaxation, my eyes landed down at her peaceful face. I chuckled and laid my head on top of hers, we enjoyed the blissful moment.

We jumped in surprised as a loud bark startled us, we look down to see the pop was sitting down, it was tilting its head."I see how it is..Oreo. So you wanna play, hm?" I move off the bench, and went on my knees, 'Oreo' barked, while its tail was wagging like crazy.

I took this as a yes, and stood up."Okay fine, We can play your games!" The pup ran around me in excitement, and started run off to the field. I stood up and dusted myself up, before turning around to Maki."Come with us Maki-chan!" I reached my hand out to her, waiting for her to take my hand.

She pause for a second—a small smile graces her lips, as she grasps my hand. We catches up to the barking puppy and started to play around with each other until the sky turned into warm colors."C'mon guys lets go, It's sunsetting" I took the pup in my arms."Let's go Maki-chan!" She nodded, we walked out the park with smiling faces.

"Did you had fun guys?" I looked down at the dog, then up at Maki."Yeah." She said,cupped my hand with hers, the pup barked in a agreement."I glad you did too buddy!" I beamed and cuddle him, the pup nuzzled its nose in my cheek."By the way Maki, did you give him a name?" I asked."No, I haven't thought of one yet." She said.

"How about we call him Oreo! I mean he has black spots on his body, plus he's white!" I suggest"Oreo? Geez, what kind of name is that? Fine, I guess we can call him that." She rolls her eyes— as we continued to walk, Maki's mansion slowly came into view.

"That settles it, your name is Oreo now! Do you like it?" Oreo howled loudly in reply, liking it's new name."See? He likes it!" We walked back, and stopped in front of the gate."Welp, the fun ends here, princess." I said, giving Maki back Oreo, and pecked the red-head's cheek.

Oreo whimpered, not wanting me to leave, while Maki had a small cute pout on her face."It's okay, I'll come back tomorrow okay?" Maki's face lights up, and she nodded, Oreo barked, sticking it's tongue out, satisfied with my answer."Bye!" I was about to walk away, when I heard my name being called out.

"Wait, Y/N)-chan!" "Mhmm?" I hummed, looking over my shoulder."See you." She waves, for the time; bright smile was plastered on her face. I giggled and waved back, feeling my cheeks heat up."See ya tomorrow Maki-chan!" You smiled back and started to walk away—thinking about the fun you had today and lastly her breathtaking smile, you actually thought you were gonna faint.

"Keep smiling like that and you'll be the death of me."

Edited- :)

Sorry if it was so crappy and if it was full of grammar errors, I kinda got lazy half way through it. I'll make it up to you guys very soon~ Anyway I hope you like this story and have a GOOD ONE.
P.S up next:Nozomi X Reader requested by Hinagiku1412

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