Chapter 7

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They arrived at the diner about 5 minutes early, so they sat in awkward silence until Zane finally broke it. "So...tell me a little about yourself." "Well..." Jill started. "I have lived here my whole life, 17 years, I will graduate next year, and I have a dog named Ellen." "..." "Yeah, that basically sums up my life!" She laughed.

"Well, I have lived in 'Main Town' since I was three. Before that, we lived in Arlington, Texas. I will graduate this year." He grinned. "And I have a rabbit named fluffy." He whispered the last bit.

Jill gave a throughty laugh. "Fluffy? Like the three headed dog in Harry Potter or something?" she giggled. His respond was a sideways grin. He really was quite handsome Jill admitted to herself.

The red Kia that was owned by Morgan's boyfriend, Jerimia, who also lived in the residential part of town. The four climbed out of the vehicles and chatted as they walked into the diner.

     After an hour or so, the two couples parted paths, one heading to the park and the other to a mysterious place Jill knew not of which it was located, but she was exited all the same.

     Zane drove towards one of the roads that lead out of town. The truck passed many houses that seemed blah to Jill. They turned onto dirt road after dirt road until finally Zane pulled into a little clearing off the side of the road. He backed up to face the direction of town so as they could sit on the tailgate to watch.

     They sat and waited for a few minutes, Gavin's small talk, until Zane hopped out of the truck and walked over to the side of the cab to retrieve something. He came back with a case of Budweiser.

     "Want one?" He offered. Jill didn't want to sound like a wimp, so she nodded her head. Once half of Jill's drink, and two cans from Zane, were gone, the fireworks started. They lit up the sky with beautiful reds, blues, greens, and pinks of all different shapes and sizes. Soon they were over however, and Zane had downed another three cans. He had started showing signs of drunkenness.

     He looked over at Jill with a slurred smile on his face. "I have another surprise for you." He said gruffly. He then proceeded to pull up at her skirt.

Being that Jill had only had two cans that night, she was still in her right mind and was not going to put up with this manner. She slapped Zane square across the face. She hopped off the tailgate with much force and angrily ran out to the dirt road and down a ways. She remembered all the twists and turns to get back to town and at that moment, she cared nothing of Zane and his drunkenness.

She eventually slowed down, she was almost out of the maze of twisted roads. However, she makes a wrong turn which leads her onto Shover Road. A truck's headlights shone in the distance. As it grew closer, Jill wondered why anyone would be out at this time of night. She was too upset to think of a reason at that moment however. The truck obviously noticed Jill because it started to slow down, pull over, and rolled its window.

That was the moment when Jill met Jayton...

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