Meeting Jazzy

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Tara POV

This is Jazzy He said taking jazzy away from me.

Jazzy started crying I went upstairs.

Hey Tara come back she likes you.

I went to go get the baby and went back to my room.

I fell asleep and jazzy was playing with my ipad on my stomach the Justin came in.

TARA he yelled waking me up.

What on earth do you want boy??

So I taking you somewhere wear something you would where to a grown up party.


I put jazzy down and went to take a shower and did my hair.

Then I went to go put on my clothes.

Put on this shirt with Marilyn Monroe shirt and she was wearing a bull shirt and she was biting it with some Jordan's and a gold chain.

Put on this shirt with Marilyn Monroe shirt and she was wearing a bull shirt and she was biting it with some Jordan's and a gold chain

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I met Justin by the stair and then we walk outside to this garage full of cars

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I met Justin by the stair and then we walk outside to this garage full of cars.

Kidnapped By Justin BieberHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin