Chapter Three: Exchanges

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Once they made it home to the ranch, Stacy ran to the computer and made several dating profiles for her brother, following his strict rules that whoever was to see it and be interested know that this was temporary. The last thing he wanted was someone to get the wrong idea about what their relationship would be. While she did that, Jonathan went into the barn and started his morning routine. Today several of the hired hands were out running cattle and counting the calves; soon it will be time to separate them from their mothers so it was important to know how many there would be. Another two of his men were out mending fences, and that's where he was heading to now.

It was a long, hot, and exhausting day out in the sun, and by the time they were done everyone was starving and drenched in sweat. What made them happy was pulling up near the house and smelling the food coming from the kitchen. Jon had to give it to his sister she was one hell of a cook and every single working hand enjoyed walking into the house and grabbing a plate. The only one who stayed in the house to eat was Danny. He had to be about fifty and had helped out around here for about thirty years now. Danny was considered family, just like the other four ranch hands, but he was now the closest thing Stacy, and he had as a father figure.

"Something smells mighty fine sis," Jon said as he and the rest of the men walked in the kitchen door.

Stacy smacked her brother's hand as he reached for a bun to make a hamburger. "You boys know the rules in this house, you want to eat then go clean up." She said loud and clear. Stacy was a lot like their mother was with short mousey brown hair and dark brown eyes. The only difference between them was the fact that Stacy was only five foot two but had a personality that made up for it. She moved gracefully placing the rest of the food on the table. "Good, now you gentlemen can help yourself" and sat down and ate her burger.

As always she overdid herself with the meal and it made Jon worry that if the woman who agrees to this arrangement might be horrible at cooking, then it would be a deal-breaker. When dinner was done Danny and Jon helped his sister clean up the kitchen before everyone relaxed and got ready for bed. Stacy and Jon made their way to the living room to watch the nightly news it was the same routine they did just about every day since they were kids.

"So I made your profiles on three different dating sites," Stacy said as she handed him the laptop that had three different pages on it.

Jonathan scanned through the information that she filled out for him. It was pretty basic which was great and it stated case and point to the matter at hand. The only thing he wished was that there was a better picture of him.

"It will do, Thanks, Stace." He said placing the computer down. "I will check them in the morning before rounds to see if anyone responded."

"I don't think you will have much trouble, big brother. I mean look how many views it has so far." She pointed to the top left-hand corner where it said three hundred and forty-seven views. It was a lot of people, but the problem was not a single one had messaged him back and that made Stacy a bit worried. "Well I am off to bed" She stated standing up with a stretch and started making her way to the stairs.

"Goodnight Stace," Jon yelled over to her

"Goodnight Jon, see you in the morning." She replied heading up to her room.

After few more moments, Jonathan went around the house and turned off all the lights, and walked into his room right off of the sun porch. It was a long night and after a few hours of tossing and turning Jon gave up on praying that sleep would come up and decided to grab the computer to see if maybe someone replied to him. The first two pages had a few responses, but most of them were city girls looking for money. Finally, on the last page, he comes across a reply with the picture that grabbed his attention. She was a beautiful woman so he clicked on her message.

Hi, there my name is Arabella. I am twenty-six years old and have no kids. I was married, but he left me for his secretary. I am currently working as an assistant to a fashion designer here and New York but want a change of pace. This is not something I would normally do, but my best friend said it might do me some good to go to the country, take a break and find out what I want in life. I am curious to know why you need a temporary wife to save your Family Ranch, though, it seems a bit weird. I hope to hear from you soon.


It was short, sweet, and to the point. He couldn't believe that she had been married let alone grasp why the man would cheat on her unless she was either crazy or he was an idiot. It was kind of late but he figured that if she was from the city, she might still be on so he thought he would send her a message and try to go back to sleep.

Hello Arabella, my name is Jonathan. The reason I need a wife is that my grandfather stated in his will that for my sister and me to inherit the ranch one of us had to wed and stay married for six months. Stacy is only twenty-two so asking her to get married so young is not something either of us wants. If you take the position, you will have your room, a place to stay and can explore country life. Once the six months are reached, and the ranch is signed over, I will make sure you are paid for the inconvenience and time spent here. I hope you will consider this proposition and to hear from you soon.



The emails continued for the next few days both of them felt that it would be better to get to know each other on here until they bothered sure that this would be something they both could live with for six months. It was a rainy Sunday afternoon when Jon got back onto the computer and found another message from Bella that was sent just ten minutes beforehand.


I have enjoyed our talks and believed that this might just work. I feel comfortable knowing that your sister will be staying in the house as well. If you still need someone to feel in as a wife, I would love to take you up on the offer. Please let me know as soon as you can so that I may put in a two-week notice and have my things put into storage and shipped to you.


He sighed with relief as he read her last message. Finally, the look was over, and he was certain she wasn't the type that would potentially cause problems. He was hesitant on letting another woman come to live in their house, but he had no other way. Six months was not a long time, and then they can both go back to the lives they had beforehand.


Yes, the deal is still on the table. Thank you so much for agreeing to this, my sister will be happy to have another woman around the house and so she doesn't have to get married. I will send the address to you, later on, tonight.


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