Chapter 19 ~ Statements

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Bella fell to her knees as she saw the man she began to love bleeding out onto the floor. Her heart was ripping into pieces wanting nothing more than to hold him and keep them safe. Yet all too soon she grew still as she saw Jonathan's eyes widen and another shot resonated from behind her, hoping that her death would be quick. Yet nothing came, no pain, no blood. Relief flooded her senses as a familiar sound made its way to her.

"Bella, are you alright darling?" asked the reassuring voice and sturdy hands of Danny as he cut her loose from her binds. Danny grabbed her face in his hands so he could examine her. "Bella, answer me, please. Jonathan would want you to make sure you and the babe are safe. Come on now darling answer me are you okay?"

Arabella blinked was she okay? She didn't know, all she wanted was to make sure that handsome man on the floor was still breathing. Yet she found her words and as she spoke them it felt like fire burning down her throat. "I think we are fine, I need him." She said with her eyes looking desolate towards Jonathan's unmoving body.

Danny was sure his heart was breaking as much as hers was at this moment. Jonathan was family to him and hearing that gunshot nearly destroyed him. "Don't worry Bella, I will tend to him. The sheriff and ambulance should be here any second. I need you to go take care of Stacy. Can you do this for me?" He asked urgently

Bella nodded her head as she slowly stood up and made her way over to Stacy who seemed to be waking up after that last gunshot. She cut the ropes that were binding her and released the gag from her mouth as she glanced down at Danny who was performing CPR on Jonathan without any hesitation. In mire minute's lights and sirens made their way up the long gravel driveway and ushered the gurneys in and carried the two bodies out. All three of them looking at the only one that mattered as the medics pumped air supplies into his lungs.

Danny was the first of them to move as Sheriff Wright stepped forward with his deputy. "I know you three are in a big hurry to get to the hospital but, I think it might help if we could ask you all some questions separately first. This way when you get there you might have answers instead of waiting." He said as he went outside with Danny. The deputy took Stacy upstairs while another one leads Bella into the left away from the crime scene until they got photographs and the information they wanted.

An hour went by as each one was asked to recollect the events that led them to the situation at hand. When everything was gathered Sheriff Wright walked back up to the. "It seems to me this is an open and closed case. I still need to confer with Attorney Silver when I see him about the rest but you all can leave. I will make sure everything is cleaned up here when you return." He said as he bowed and gave a slight tip to his hat.It was a twenty-minute trip to the hospital which all three took in silence as Bella let more tears silently stream down her face and place her hand over her stomach. Stacy reached over and without saying anything they continued the ride hand in hand. As they made their way to the waiting room Jackson was there and they all sat next patiently waiting for any news that was going to come. An hour after hour passed and each movement and tick of the clock hand above them weighed heavily on her shoulders. Once Jackson and Stacy found out about her pregnancy they all demanded that she be thoroughly looked over to make sure that they were both fine. They were both cleared as healthy despite having a few bruises on her face, arms, and wrists. Five hours passed when the surgeon finally made his way towards them in clean blue scrubs.

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