Chapter 16 ~ Lurking

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He took a long drag from the cigarette that slightly touched his lips and then let the puff of smoke envelope him as he sat in the black impala outside of Wood's ranch. The lights were off and the darkness kept him hidden from any who would be walking around. He then reached down and took a swig from the open Jack Daniels bottle as he listened to the song in the background by twenty-one pilots. "I have two faces blurry's the one I'm not. I have two faces, blurry's the one I'm not. I need your help to take him out, I need your help to take him out. Though I'm weak and beaten down, I'll slip away into the sound. The ghost of you is close to me, I'm inside out. You're underneath... Don't let me be gone."

It took all of his power to watch them walk out of that damn bitch's office holding hands. He knows that she specializes in pregnant whores. It felt like ice ran through his veins being aware that she allowed another man to touch her. She belonged to him and only him, divorce doesn't set anyone free.

The vows were "Till death do us part" and that is what he is holding her too.

He had to give it to that attorney Silver though because all week it felt like a game of cat and mouse making sure that the paper trail of the documents never faltered. The hardest part was placing the right person at her attorney's office to make it seem like she was never a client. It never ceased to amaze him what others would do for money. However, he needs to act, and soon or he won't be able to take her with him.

The silence that filled the shadow veiled car was interrupted by the vibration on his phone. "What is it, Marcos?" The man half mumbled and growled into the receiver as he listened to the rushed voice on the other end.

"I told you to make damn sure he didn't get his hands on those documents. I pay you good money to do this shit, you idiot." He bellowed into the phone as the man on the other line profusely apologized for his mistake.

His stature was now more rigid as he gathered to control his temper "Make sure that the materials I requested are on standby. We should be out of here by tomorrow. Don't fuck this up or you'll be a goner." He said in a maniacal voice and hung up the phone throwing it against the windshield. Gradually he started the car and let it maneuver down the road until there was a dead end and concealed it in the woods. Then, as the early morning sun started to make its way hauntingly through the trees he made his way to his post and waited patiently to strike.

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