Chapter 14 ~ Plotting

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Time seemed to slip by so slowly while Neal waiting for answers. It took Marcos nearly two months to find the elusive Arabella Lane and it didn't take Neal long to fly to that desolate town in Montana. Why would he hesitate, just because his toy was expecting to have his child in four months meant nothing to him. Arabella was his and he was getting her back even if she left kicking and screaming.

It took no time finding a place to set up. Neal watched and waited idly by for a few weeks to see how attached his Bella truly was to this Woods guy. Marcos did well though, it helped to have a PI indebted to you. He found out the stipulations that lingered over this ranch. He would destroy them and make sure they could never come back from this at all.

He sat in the empty parking lot and waited for the chance to see her. The timing had to be perfect, he knew his ex-wife was still pining for him. Why else would she leave the city she loved so abruptly and get married. He unconsciously patted the briefcase this was the hand he would play and it would shake it all up. He laughed to himself quietly and then saw what he had been waiting for. Arabella alone in a store. It had been easier than he thought to casually run into her and loved, even more, the look of desperation in her eyes as he told her he was here for her.After an hour passed from running into her, he knew she wanted him to rescue her like he did when they married. He grabbed his briefcase and walked into the office of Attorney Jackson Silver. This was it. He put his smug confident look on his face as he took gallant strides towards the receptionist.

"What can I do for you today, Handsome?" she greeted as she eyed him up and downNeal knew how he was perceived and he always used his looks running his hands through his hair he made himself look a little distressed and spoke "I am here on, well, a personal matter." He mutters "I was told that Mr. Silver here was the best man in the area to help me." He continued as he softly placed his hand on top of hers. It did its job the lady in her mid-thirties blushed ferociously.

She hesitated for a moment and then asked in a meek voice "Do you have an appointment?"He shook his head because he didn't want to use this in case it would provoke him to forewarn the "Happily married couple". However, he had no choice in the matter now and would have to play where the chips fell. "No I don't, could you just tell him it would be in the best interest of Mr. Woods if he met with me." He said clearly.

It took a moment as she dialed a number on the landline. The poor thing was extremely caught off guard with everything, maybe he would make it up to her tonight. Neal thought as he waited patiently for the phone conversation to end.

The receptionist carefully stepped out from behind her desk. "If you would please follow me, sir." She said as professionally as she could, her voice shaking only so slightly.Neal smirked to himself even in the Midwest women found him charming and irresistible. Unfortunately, this did not deter his mind from the dirty things he thought about doing to her in a bedroom. Reluctantly he gathered his thoughts and focused on the task at hand. If things went smoothly here, then he could celebrate. Neal was aware that they stopped at the end of the hall in front of two large cherry oak wood doors.

The woman knocked softly at the door and turned the knob when a husky voice yelled "Come in." She led me into the office and left as quickly and quietly as she could.

"Mr. Silver, thank you for seeing right away," Neal said as he headed towards the attorney with an outstretched hand.

Jackson hesitated but shook the man's hand "Well, it was hard to turn down, you said this would involve Jonathan Woods. Please have a seat Mr.?" He paused not knowing the present companies name

Neal smiled "Thank you for your hospitality. My name is Neal, Neal Lane. I am Arabella's husband."He watched as the color drained from the attorney's face. It was tricky to play shocked and hurt by Bella's unjustified actions. Procuring documents that still showed they were married and that he never signed them because they were trying to work things out before she vanished. Mr. Silver looked so defeated that it elated Neal even more knowing that those documents were the best forged one he had paid for yet besides his ID. After the meeting, Neal couldn't help but feel overconfident and looked forward to watching the dismantling of others' happiness.

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