Chapter 13~ The past

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A million thoughts ran through her mind as she watched his facial expressions change in a mere matter of a minute. Honestly, she wishes he would just say something instead of looking at her. This wasn't part of their plan and she was puking up her guts because she is pregnant with a "Fake" husband's baby and he has yet to say he loved her. Then again she thought to herself I've never told him I loved him either. Then chided herself for even thinking that.

The silence was deadly as Jonathan's thoughts finally began to be collected. He was busy verbally yelling at himself for being so stupid and wrapped up in sexual frustration that the woman brought to him he completely forgot about being careful. Yet deep inside the corner of his mind was pure happiness that he was going to be a father. Finally, he found the words to speak I am sorry, Stacey said your ex tracked you down here and she was worried about you. Then I heard you puking and needed to see if you were okay." He didn't mean to sound so formal and robotic but it was too late now.

Bella shook her head and walked past him into his room to lay on the soft feather-like bed. "I am fine, just a bit nauseated but I am sure it will pass." She told him it was just the stress of today she reassured herself.

Jonathan made his way to her side and looked at her as he slowly reached down to caress her face with the back of his knuckles. "Are you sure there isn't anything I can get you? Water or something to snack on?" He asked with worry etched onto his face and quickly glanced at her stomach.

Arabella saw the sudden glance and felt uncomfortable because she was unsure how he felt about this. "A glass of tea and some toast might be nice." She murmured and then sat up to look at him. "Look, this is kind of sudden for me to considering today's odd events." She paused trying to get the courage to tell him the right words she was feeling "Anyway, let's not say anything to anyone, if my calculations are right then I only about eight weeks and well, those tests were cheap and would much rather hear it from a doctor first." She flushed an ever so soft pink in her cheeks.

Jonathan knew she was right about that, you never know what could go wrong in the first few months of expecting and he couldn't go through that yet again. It seemed like another lifetime ago and this was with someone else. He just wasn't sure if he would ever get the chance to be a dad again, besides "Stacey would be too excited and we don't need her to be fantasizing about shit." He thought to himself "Yeah, I reckon you are right about that. I can call the doctor in town tomorrow to make an appointment for us to find out. I will go get you that tea and toast now. Rest up, I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be rather interesting with your Ex-husband lurking around.

It was a long night with restless sleep from the both of them. The past plaguing both of their minds to the hurt that had damaged them both. Jonathan knew he should tell Arabella about Crystal but that was something he still hadn't completely come to terms with. He blamed himself really for most of it, but the damage was done. Arabella on the other hand was slightly ecstatic that she was finally going to be a mother. She just hoped she could be everything the child needed her to be. What bothered her more was not knowing how Jon felt over this unplanned surprise and why on earth was Neal in Montana?

Morning came all too soon for the both of them. They went about their everyday morning routine of coffee and breakfast, though Bella switched to tea to be on the healthier side. In the middle of Stacey and Jon's morning banter, a knock came on the kitchen door that brought an everlasting silence to the table.

"Jonathan, Stacey, Arabella it's me, Jackson." Hollard attorney Silver as Jonathan made his way to the door to open it up. Stacey quickly wiped her face and sat up straighter which made Bella smile to herself and shakes her head.

"Morning Jax, what brings you over here?" Jonathan asked as he greeted his friend and pointed to a seat next to him at the table.

Attorney Silver took the seat and continued to look down at the papers in his hand stuck in deep contemplation. This was news that was going to shake things up and he wasn't sure how to go about this. "Well, um I am not sure how to go about this so I am just going to spit it out there." He paused and cleared his throat. "It was brought to my attention yesterday by a Neal Lane, that well your guy's marriage is null in void." He stammered out as fast as he could

"What do you mean null and void. We got married in front of the judge and signed the papers. You were there as a witness remember." Jonathan said bluntly disturbed by this news.

Jackson sighed heavily as he looked at his friends and then at Arabella and laid the papers on the table. "He brought in these it's proof that you are still married."

Arabella laughed she didn't know why but she broke down into hysterics for a minute before she calmed down enough and spoke to Jackson. "That's impossible I drew up the divorce papers and signed them. My attorney even said that because of the prenup that we had he should have given me half because he committed adultery and there was proof. So please tell me how in the name of Sam Hell I am still married to Neal Lane after nearly a year of being separated and giving him those papers." She said with a fire blazing in her eyes.

Jackson felt the stares of everyone on him and boy was it uncomfortable. "Well, these divorce papers here show that you signed them but, Neal never did." He said as he pointed to the sticky note arrow that had his name blank. "It was the weekend so I haven't been able to confirm if these are the true document or not. It's why I came here first thing."

"That's impossible my attorney, she took care of all of it. She told me everything was good and I was free." She said as she sunk in the kitchen chair with tears building up ready to escape. Stacey gently placed her hand on Bella's and squeezed.

Jonathan was pissed this was supposed to be the salvation of the family ranch. It wasn't his plan to marry a woman who was still married to an ex. Then a thought hit him, maybe this was all part of a big extravagant plan to rip him off and he fell right into it. Yet the look on Bell's face seemed to say it all, she was devastated. "There has to be some kind of mistake." He said searching his friends face for answers

"That's why I came by here first. I was hoping to find out from Arabella what state she got married in, and the number for the divorce attorney she used. I don't trust the guy and I want sealed documents before we figure out the rest." He said sternly

Once the information was written down Arabella went to their room and cried herself to sleep. It felt like happiness just wasn't going to be in the cards for her.

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