Chapter 11- Changes

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"Good Morning my Bell," Jonathan said as he reached for his morning coffee and kissed her on her forehead. It had been their same morning routine for the last three months and for some reason it made the days for him worth it when he was working.

"Mmmm" Bella moaned as she leaned in to smell the strong cologne on her cowboy's plaid shirt. She was still blissfully happy from last night's activities that she still wasn't entirely coherent enough to speak full sentences.

The peaceful moment of being held in Jonathan's arms was interrupted with a loud clank. "Okay, seriously, you two need just to get to this stage already. I mean it's bad enough I have to deal with certain noises during the night but please don't ruin my mornings as well." Stacy said with a smile on her face. "Oh, and breakfast is ready so let's get this day started."

Breakfast when on like it typically did where the rest of the ranch hands came in and ate with the rest of them. It began to feel like one big family and a lot of it had to do with having another woman to bring the place alive again. Today, however, was filled with more chatter of the fall cattle drive that was going to happen today.

It was the middle of September and each year Jon and his men took a weeklong cattle drive to bring home the herd for the winter. The problem was it would be the first time the now wedded couple would spend such a long period apart that it brought some uncertainty to Arabella and as the men talked Stacy could see sadness form on her face next to her.

"Hey don't worry about it, this gives us a girl's week to watch movies and shop." She whispered causing Jonathan to look across the table at the two of them with his head cocked to the side.Bella smiled and looked to her sister-in-law and close friend. "Trust me that sounds like a plan to me; there is way too much testosterone around here." She replied playfully just slightly loud enough for him to hear her and winked at him.

"Okay, what are you two plotting over there. Stacy doesn't go corrupting my wife with your crazy ideas." He said playfully at the two of them.

Stacy shook her head and laughed "Oh please, I am not the one doing the corrupting in this house. Besides I was telling her, we would take a girl's week and shop till we drop. I mean the girls will play while the men are away." She stated gleefully as she rose and started grabbing the empty plates to be rinsed.

Arabella smiled to herself as she watched the brother and sister banter back and forth while helping clean up the kitchen mess and the men slowly raiding the pantry for the small bags that Stacy and her packed and set aside for each of them. Then out of nowhere, she found herself being yanked down into Jonathan's lap as she let out a small squeal.

Jonathan wrapped his arms around her waist "I am going to miss you like crazy Bella." He whispered in her ear as he breathed in the sweet scent of strawberry that seemed to radiate from her.

"I am going to miss you too." She replied solemnly as she turned to look will be okay in his eyes and kissed him.

A collective "AWWWW!" broke them apart and made Bella blush as red as a rose."Okay that is it, you all need to get the hell out of my ranch and pack your shit up." He said with a stern voice while still having his face buried in Bella's hair.

One by one each man left the kitchen and headed to the barn remarking on how soft marriage had made Jonathan just to egg him on and laughing as they did so. "Well, I guess it's time to get going. Please try and be careful and don't let Stacy push you to do anything you don't want to do." He said as he released her from his grasp and cupped her face, for one more kiss.

"I will be fine; I just want you to be careful. I heard your boys talking about last year's round-up, and I don't want you coming home hurt." She pouted for a minute and embraced him.

Fifteen minutes later all the men were gone and headed towards the far west of the ranch. It was a three-day journey to where the cattle are and depending on how rambunctious they are would determine how long it would take them to get back.

"Hey, I need to go to town for some female products and food. Do you want to come? It's been three months you are probably running out too. Plus we can rent some movies and do a marathon." Said a bubbly, Stacy, as she bounded down the stairs and to the coffee table to grab the trucks keysShit! That was all that went through Bella's mind as she heard the sentence transpire from Stacy. "Yeah, I am coming" She replied while dreading the whole ride to the store. It's only been three months since I can't be pregnant, it's impossible. She mentally started to try and pep herself up.

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