Chapter 18 - Explosion

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It was a long hard day and the men were still about two hours from being close to home due to finding a couple of the cattle lose in the south fields when Jonathan's phone started ringing. Quickly he pulled it out of the case to silence it until he noticed that it was Jackson's cell.

 "Jackson, hey buddy what is going on? I haven't heard from you since you left." He implied as he answered as Danny led his horse next to Jonathan's to hear what was going on. "Wait, you mean to tell me he forged the documents? How in the hell can he afford to do that?" He asked with anger lacing his voice.

The two gentlemen listened carefully as the rest worried about the cows as Jackson explained everything. He started with how once he got to New York he stopped at her friend Kayla's apartment to see if she had the papers there. However, with no such luck, she decided to tag along and they both hit up the courthouse. They gave them the run around because she was not physically there to request it and he had no legal proof that he was their attorney. Thankfully, Kayla knew the name of the lawyer Bella had used and throughout the week they both tried reaching her with no such luck. Yesterday, they caught a lucky break with a guy named Marcus who spilled the beans and gave them everything.

"Thanks, Jackson this means a lot to us. Yeah, I will call them now and let them know the news, see you when you get to the house." He said as he hung up. Then Jonathan quickly dialed the house, yet no one answered so he hung up and tried Bella's phone, it went straight to voice mail.Danny looked at Jonathan "Is everything alright?" He asked as he yanked his horse to ride closer and slower so that they could talk.

"I don't know, somethings not right no one is answering any of the phones. I am going to try Stacy's now." Jonathan said as he glanced up at Danny with worry in his eyes.

Finally, on the third ring it picked up but he froze when he heard the new voice over the phone."Hello Jonathan, your sister is currently ill-disposed and our wife. Well, don't worry I will make sure she is taken care of." Then the line went dead.

"Danny, we have to go! Her crazy ex is in the house with them!" As he suddenly pushed his horse to go as fast as it could with Danny at his heels and both of them ready to fight.

When they got close to the house they slowed down to a trot when they noticed a figure moving about through the kitchen window. Danny motioned for Jonathan to go through the front door while he would sneak in through a window. Jonathan nodded tied his horse to the fence and as quickly and quietly as he could make his way to the door as he saw Neal with a gun in his hand placing a kiss on Bella's cheek and whispering in her ear.

It made his heart twist with fear and worried what this could do to their unborn child. Jonathan hastily ripped open the kitchen door to come face to face with the man who started this nightmare. "Neal get away from Bell now." He demanded as he strode towards them hoping that just the sight of him near would frighten him a bit. Jonathan circled the table and glanced at Arabella "Bell, Bell please look at me, are you okay?" He asked. He needed to make sure that she and the baby were fine.

Arabella looked up with tears welling up in her dark brown eyes and nodded yes to him, too afraid to talk. Jonathan wasn't sure if his heart could take this much longer. He already lost Crystal in a crash before he even knew she was pregnant, he can't lose his precious Bell. Then he finally looked over at the body that was hunched over in front of the fridge and fury rose inside of him. "What the hell did you do to my sister you asshole?" He yelled as he made his way to the inn table under the window.

Neal finally getting a hold of his equilibrium hastily made his way closer towards Jonathan with a malicious smirk placed firmly on his lips. "Like I said she will be fine, just taking a little nap." He explained as he drew out the last word. "Now why don't you take a seat like a good little boy and no one else will have to get hurt. Your sister here, well she was just collateral damage." He finished with a shrug then bent down to ear level with Arabella again and said "Now sweetheart, tell him you are just fine and that you decided to leave with me. Don't forget to apologize for lying about the two of us being divorced. You know it isn't nice to lie to people like that."Jonathan needed to keep him distracted as his hands secretly searched for the hidden drawer that held his grandfather's nine-millimeter pistol. "Bella, he is lying to you. Jackson just called me before I got here." He said frustrated but it got both their attentions. "Right before he was about to give up a man named Marcus Freed came forward with all the papers and information about who you are Mr. Jones." Those last few words did it and it was just what he needed to keep him from hearing the drawer shift.

"How dare you speak that name!" he hissed "Nathaniel Jones is dead and gone and has been for eight years." He was beyond pissed because of that stupid rat Marcus. He was going to get what was due as soon as he and Bella make it out of here. Neal then grabbed Arabella by the hair and pulled her up. "Come on sweetheart, it's time for us to leave." He grunted leading her by the hair and the gun in front of them pointing at Jonathan. "Stop resisting Bella or the zip ties won't be the only thing you have to worry about confining you. Remember our deal, you be good and you can keep that disgrace of a child you are carrying."

Arabella flinched and then finally gave up the fight as she stared at Jonathan as they passed by. Jonathan then pulled out his gun but before he could aim and shoot Neal had already pulled the trigger. He couldn't believe it, as he looked down at his stomach and blood spilling out on the floor. As his sight grew dim he saw his beautiful Bell fall to her knees as another gunshot rang through the air.

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