Chapter 9 - What happens now?

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The next morning they Jonathan woke up with brown hair feathered all over his face. It had been one hell of a night that he would soon never forget. It didn't help that here Bella was head on his chest and her body completely wrapped around him. He wanted to get up and make some coffee, but he didn't want to disturb her, so he laid there in bed reminiscing about the night before. He remembered every kiss and touch that he placed on the curvaceous goddess. How they fit so perfectly, he didn't want it to end. What he wasn't planning on was having the memories bring about a morning complication with no way to get up and cure it.

Arabella laid there unaware that Jonathan was awake, never in her life had she ever had a man make her feel so alive in bed. She was married to Neal for four years, and that man had nothing on him. She knew if she did try to put distance between them she would be playing a dangerous game with fire and as much as she enjoyed the heat right now, she wasn't sure if she wanted to get burned. Bella came out of her thoughts when she realized that he began to have a growing appendage and knew her time for pretend sleep was over.

Every so slowly Bella unwrapped herself from around the strong Greek God of a man and did a fake yawn, stretching out her arms and back. "Good Morning," She cooed as she covered up her breast with the blanket to face him.

Jonathan held his breath as she moved, just the sight of her and he couldn't rack his brain around why no one had snatched her up. Finally, his sense came back to him. "Good Morning, Bella. Did you sleep well?" He asked and mentally slapped himself for sounding so formal.

Bella looked dumbfounded at him Did I sleep well? What the hell kind of the question is that? Yes as a matter of fact sleeping next to you after having the best sex of my life rendered me so tired I slept like a baby. She thought to herself then replied "Yes, I did thank you. My bed back in New York is nothing compared to this one."

Clearing his throat Jonathan got up and slide on his boxers and the jeans from the night before. "That's great I am glad you did. I was going to make breakfast and coffee but didn't want to wake you up. Is there anything you would like?" he asked trying to get rid of the awkwardness that consumed them.

"Anything you make is fine; I am not that picky. Do you mind if I use your shower down here and freshen up?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah sure, it's just right through those doors. The towels are in the cabinet next to the tub." He said as he made his exit out of his bedroom and closing the door behind him. When he finally made it to the kitchen, he felt like he needed to be smacked around. He never once let someone else sleep in his bed since Crystal, what has he gotten himself into was all he could think about as he brewed the coffee and got the sausage and eggs going.

Bella threw herself backward on the bed trying to figure out what on earth had possessed her to behave that way last night. It was just harmless kissing that progressed into something entirely different. Her body had betrayed her, and now she had to deal with it. Finally, after a few moments of mentally killing herself, she made her way into his bathroom to take a quick shower. As she got dressed, she realized she had no clean shirts down here and grabbed one of his that was hanging out of his dresser hoping he wouldn't mind.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind, but I stole one of your shirts for the time being." She mentioned as she walked into the kitchen unaware that Stacy had just got home a little early.

Stacy snickered and said, "Well, it looks better on you than on him." Then reached for a sausage link, gave her brother a wink, and took her bags upstairs.

Jonathan smiled his sister knew how to make an entrance and an exit. "Don't mind her, if she gets the best of you just bring up Jackson. She will turn as quiet as a mouse and leave you alone." Trying not to bring his attention to the fact that Bella as red as a tomato.

"The attorney at our wedding, really?" she asked as he nodded in confirmation. Well, now she had done it. Stacy knew something happened between them and was probably going to twenty questions about it as soon as they were alone. After having that realization, she decided to go light on breakfast, and they both cleaned up and went about their chores.

Around noon Arabella was done with the feeding and mucking the stalls that she went inside to get a quick bite. As she walked through the door, Stacy was there waiting to pounce.

"So, I take it you and my darling big brother finally consummated your marriage." She said with a hint of underlining joy.

Bella shook her head "Please, Stac you and I both know you don't want to hear it. Plus it was probably a one-time thing. This marriage is not technically real you know." She stated as she pulled out a salad and buttermilk ranch dressing.

"I know it was supposed to be temporary, but love can do strange things." She replied with a smirk on her face

"Look, as of now it is just an attraction your brother, and I happened to follow through with on a whim. We barely know each other and haven't even talked about it." Then remembering what Jonathan had said earlier she adds "What's the deal with you and the attorney?"

Stacy turned pink and blushed as she turned away. "absolutely nothing he is the family attorney and Jonathan's best friend that's all." She said with a tone that laced with some sadness.

The girls finished their lunch and while Stacy figured out what to make for dinner, Bella sent a text to her best friend explaining her late-night rendezvous with her "husband" before heading back outside to check on the animals. After an hour of walking through the barns, she made her way to her horse Beauty. She loved brushing her coat and mane, finding it all very relaxing before she knew it another hour had passed and Jonathan was riding in from a field on the far east of the ranch.

"I see you two are inseparable." He said as he jumped off Dallas and began to unsaddle and brush his horse as well.

"I love her, plus it's soothing to do this." She said with the brush in her hand "Besides I am hiding from your sister." She added in with a laugh.

He shook his head, and he knew that Stacy was going to drive Bella crazy before the end of the day. "Oh, and how is that working out for you." He asked looking around for the nightmare

"Yes, it was wonderful, had all sorts of questions and even asked if I could move my stuff to your room so she could have the bathroom back." She replied sarcastically.

He laughed at her sense of humor "Sadly that sounds exactly like my sister, the little hellion. I love her, but she can be a bit blunt." He stated as he finally put his horse in the stall next to Beauty. "Dinner is probably about done if you want to head up with me." He asked as he turned around and both came inches away from being face to face.

Arabella swore her heartbeat was pounding loud enough that he could hear it himself. He smelled of sweat and earth, and boy did it make her head swim. They both stared at each other and then Jonathan lost all self-control. This woman vexed his mind all day long barely being able to work without think of her lips and her she nearly faced to face. He grabbed her and pushed her up against the stall, wrapping her hair tightly in his hands making no haste to invade her mouth with his. Just as quickly as it began, he let her go and backed way both gasping for air.

"We better get to the house before the search party comes." He finally spoke to end the silence that followed while holding out his hand for her to take. Bella was still reeling from that kiss and not able to fully comprehend the idea of moving. She finally reached out her hand and walked towards the house. Before they walked in Jonathan turned and kissed her softly once more and muttered. "Stacy wins this one, your moving downstairs."

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