Chapter 7.

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Beth's POV

We were in the dropship. Well Octavia and I were. I was staring at Lincoln. I don't know how to save him.

Bellamy was getting Clarke, and seeing if she could help somehow. Lincoln starts thrashing around in the chains. It reminds me of the first time Bellamy had him chained up. But this time, it's different. If Lincoln gets out he could kill O and I.

I look up as I see Clarke come up the hatch. He starts growling and thrashing around. She jumps back and I wince just at him. He's different. And a part of me is scared. Not of him but of what the did yo him.

"It's ok. It's ok. He's been restrained." Bellamy says to her. He was still growling and pulling on the restraints.

"I can't believe we're back here again." Clarke says.

"Can you help him?" I ask Clarke, a scared look on my face as he was still growling. I was still sitting as O, her and Bellamy were standing. I hate listening to this but I can't leave him.

"I don't know." Clarke answers. I sigh and look down. "I knew Mount Weather controlled the Reapers." She says as he continues growling. "I had no idea they were creating them."

"If they can do that to Lincoln... What are they doing to our friends?" Bellamy asks. I put my head in my hands as the metal was clanking as Lincoln tried to get out, growling.

It's been like ten minutes, I was now standing shining a light at Lincoln as Bellamy and the rest of us were looking at him. I share a look with O and Bellamy.

He keeps trying to pull forward, trying to escape. He starts shaking really badly. "What? What- what's wrong with him?" I ask Clarke.

"He's convulsing." Clarke says.

"So, what does it mean?" Octavia asks.

"What happened to his leg?" Clarke asks. I sigh. She looks at me as I stare at Lincoln's leg.

"I shot him." I say. I stare at Lincoln. Is this my fault?

"Clarke, he's lost a lot of blood." Bellamy says. She looks back at Lincoln and steps forward slightly. Lincoln starts growling at her and thrashing.

"Can you shine the light on his neck?" She asks. I move the light to Lincoln's neck. "Needle marks."

"You think being drugged?" Bellamy asks.

"Maybe." She says.

The restraint comes out and he hits Clarke, grabbing her, trying to eat her? I run up. "Lincoln!" I yell. He throws his arm out, hitting me making me fly backwards into the dropship wall.

I fall to the ground. I see Bellamy run up, hitting him. Lincoln throws the two away. He takes the restraints off. His leg ones were still on as he tries to reach us. He starts trying to pull at the restraints on his legs. I was standing now. When Bellamy runs up with on of the electroshock stick things. Lincoln gets out of the restraints, throwing Bellamy to the ground, punching him. Clarke goes to stop Lincoln, only to be pushed down.

I grab a poll and run up and hit Lincoln on the back, he looks at me and I hit him again, knocking him out. I throw the poll down and fall to the ground, staring at him.

He was now restrained to the ground. Clarke was looking at the bullet wound. "We have to get the bullet out." She says to us. I nod. "Hold his leg down." She says. Bellamy holds his leg down.

After Clarke got the bullet out, I tried to give him water, causing him to smack it out of my hand. I sigh. I look at O. "Can you please go get some more?" I ask her. She nods.

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