Chapter 8.

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Flashbacks all of Finn, Beth and Raven.

Beth's POV

I was outside watching as Clarke walked back.

"Hold your fire! She's back!" I yell to them. 

"Open the gate." Bellamy yells. 

"Power up the gates. Roll-out positions." Byrne says. "Stay ready!" She says. Clarke walks in and Finn and I rush to her.

"You ok?" Finn asks the blond. 

"Shut the gate." Clarke says. She turns to Finn. "You can't be out here." She says to him. I look at her confused.

"What did she say?" I ask Clarke.  

"Is there a chance for a truce?" Abby asks her daughter. 

"Yes." Clarke answers. 

"What's wrong?" Finn asks her.  

"They want you." Clarke tells him.

"No." I say quickly. I will not let my best friend die. 

"If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn." She tells us. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" Raven asks, pissed.  

"That's their offer." Clarke says. I shake my head. 

"That's not an offer." Both of us say. Raven and I share a look. Finn's our family, I'm not giving him up. 

"It's punishment." Finn says. I shake my head. "For what happened at the village." He tells us. "Blood for blood." He says.

"That's insane." Bellamy says. 

"If we refuse?" Abby asks Clarke. I sigh.  

"They attack." She says. 

"Say we give him up!" Some man says. I glare at him. 

"Get rid of him." Another says. 

"Easy, people." Byrne says. 

"Give him to the Grounders." The same man I glared at says.

"Back off!" Raven and I both yell. 

"Hey, Raven, Beth. Raven. Raven, Beth, listen to me." I look at her. "Nothing is gonna happen to him." She tells us. "I promise, ok?" I nod at her. 

"I'm not dying for him." Griff yells. "Spacewalker burned 3 months of oxygen from the Ark. He should've floated a long time ago."

"How about I float you?!" I yell, asking him.

"Throw him out!" He yells back. I go to go towards him but Clarke grabs my arm.

"Calm down." She says to me.

"Back off!" Raven yells, going up to the guy. 

"Stop, Raven!" Byrne yells. She grabs Raven but Raven moves and elbows her, causing more guards to grab her. I go to move but Finn grabs my other arm. 

"Let me go." Raven yells. 

"It's the only option." I glare at the woman who said that.

There was shouting as they bring Raven inside.



Beth walks down the hall with her best friend Finn.

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