Chapter 11.

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Beth's POV

I was riding with Clarke and Abby back to the ark. We were riding from Tondc. Nyko and a few others were her, along with Kai. I just think him and O need to get together. We stop and hop down. I ignored the blond and her mother's conversation.

"Our scoots patrol these area's so be careful where you shoot." Clarke says to them. "Mount up." She says after a few seconds.

I hopped on my horse right as a gun goes off. I duck quickly then look around. Nyko was hit. "Moutain men." My blond friend says. I nod. I ran in front of the others, I needed to see who was there. If it was Lincoln near.

I hear Indra yell from not far then Octavia hitting a man; well beating them. I smirk. Indra is letting her do this, good. It will help her.

Octavia notices me and I smirk other, causing her to smirk at me. She goes to slit the mans throat when Clarke rushes up with the others behind her.

"Octavia! No! He's from Mount Weather. We need to keep him alive." Clarke quickly says. "Check to see if he's got a patch kit. We have to get him back to camp." She says to the brunette. The brunette throws the mountain man to the ground before going to the dead on and opening his bag, pulling out some papers.

I walk to her. "What the hell is that stuff?" I ask my best friend.

She looks at me. "Clarke and Lexa were the targets." She tells us, showing a picture of the two girls riding horses, an their heads were circled in red marker or pen.

"We have to warn the commander." I say to them. Indra nods at me and turns to a grounder.

"Send our fastest riders to Tondc." She says to them. They quickly go.

I was riding my horse next to Octavia, Kai and Indra not far behind, with Clarke and her mother in front.

"So what's with you an Kai?" I ask the brunette. She looks at me then back at him. She smiles once she turns around.

"I don't know. I think I like him." She says to me. I smile.

"Aw." I say to her.

"Are you worried?" She asks me after a minute. "About Bellamy and Lincoln?"

"I'm always worried about both of them. But yeah, I just really hope that we can get through all of this." I say to her. She nods. We reach the Camp Jaha gates.

Clarke yells about two stretchers and putting Nyko and the mountain man on them. They get rushed to medical.

I walk after them, Octavia putting my horse with hers. I walk through the doors, seeing Nyko's head go limp. I feel a few tears welling in my eyes.

"Yo gonplei ste oden." I whisper to him. I run a hand through his hair. "Thank you old friend." I whisper then Indra cuts off one of his braids. We both walk over to Clarke, who was with the mountain man.

"A killer lives, but a warrior dies? This is your way?" Indra asks the blond.

"I'm sorry Indra but he can help us beat Mount Weather." Clarke says. I shake my head.

"Then let me make him talk." Indra says.

"No we're not torturing him." Clarke says.

"He might just talk because we saved his life." Abby says. I shake my head.

"You people are weak." Indra says then leaves, me following her.

Octavia and I soon later run into the room where Raven had the radio. Her and Clarke were both inside.

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