Chapter 10.

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No One's POV

Lincoln and Bellamy are walking through the woods before discovering an animal carcass. Lincoln cuts it and uses the blood to disguise himself and Bellamy as reapers.

"Ok so we make it to the intake door without any of the real reapers seeing us, what happens then?" Bellamy asks Lincoln.

"I kill everyone and you slip inside." Lincoln says then continues. "Limestone." Bellamy passes him a packet and he rubs the limestone on his face. "Let's go, we got a lot of ground to cover before dark."

"Hey, I need to know what happens beyond the intake door." Bellamy says.

"They remove your clothes, blast you with warm water and douse you with something that burns even worse. Then we were sorted, the other were tagged Harvest I was tagged Cerberus and turned into a reaper." Lincoln says.

"Cerberus, the three-headed dog who guards the underworld." Lincoln looks at him. "My mom read mythology to us all the time, Octavia loved it. You're good for Beth and a good friend for Octavia, you made them strong." Bellamy says.

"They were already strong." Lincoln says, thinking of Beth.

"Hey, I need to ask you something. You protected Beth before you even knew her, why?" Bellamy asks Lincoln. 

"When I was a boy, I saw a ship fall from the sky like Raven's. The man inside was hurt, his body broken, I couldn't get him out." Lincoln says.

"Suicide by Earth, I heard the stories in the Guard I just didn't know they were true." Bellamy says.

"I brought him food, water. I couldn't speak the enemies language yet so I couldn't understand him but I wanted to. So on the third day, I told my father. He made me kill him. The war's been trying to turn me into a monster for as long as I can remember." Lincoln says. "Let's keep moving."

"Wait, parking garage where we found you is north, that way." Bellamy says, pointing off in another direction.

"There's a mine entrance closer to where the reapers end. We go into the underworld when we have to, not before." Lincoln says. They continue to walk.


Beth's POV

I was standing next to Octavia while we watched the meeting begin. Both of us still in grounder clothes. My dad wasn't so happy about it but I didn't care. It's my life.

"Alright, quiet down. Indra, please." Kane says

"Don't worry my sharper tongue's got your back." A guard says.

"How about you stick it up your ass instead." I say to the guard.

"I know we don't have a lot in common. But we do have a common enemy and a common goal. And for us to reach it, to get our people out of Mount Weather we need to work together. Together. Skaikru and Trikru. Our survival depends you sharing your knowledge of this world..." My father says. I look at Murphy who was talking to Penn. 

"You got a problem." Murphy asks him.

"You stood there watching while my village was massacred." Penn says in grounder language.

Murphy: I'm sorry man, I don't speak grounder." Murphy says. Penn moves towards Murphy and Murphy shoves him back.

"Mr. Murphy, apologize to that man." My father says to him.

"For what? He was the one who came to me." Murphy says.

"Two days work detail." Dad says.

"Work detail? I just told you I didn't do it-" Dad cuts him off.

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