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"Ugh.. I'm scared." I mumbled, feeling myself sliding down the wall as my legs got weaker. Tears formed in my eyes as I used both of my hands to cover my ears.

i'm scared, i'm scared, i'm so scared.

I just sat down, letting a few tears rolled down on my cheeks. My hands won't stop shivering.

For a few moments out there, the lights are turned on once again. The door bursted open loudly, revealing Jungkook standing in front of me with a a panicked face.

I heaved a long sigh. "J...jung—"

Before I could finish my sentence, he pulled me into a hug quickly while shivering from head to toes. "Haena, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... I'm sorry.. I'm really sorry.." His words came out merely like whispers and I hugged him harder, crying on his chest.

We just stood there until someone entered the washroom and got startled to see a guy in girls' washroom. So, we both started walking outside while chuckling lightly. "How do you know that I'm here?" I asked, looking at him.

"I stalked you," he whispered to my ear, draping his arm around my waist.


"Aish! Don't do this in public! And we have to arrive the dorm as soon as possible because we've got a singing practice..." I tried to break free from his arms but he just kept smirking, tightening his arm harder.

"Jungkook!" I stormed and he laughed, removing his arm from my waist.

"Okay okay, baby."

We've successfully arrived the dorm on time so we both sighed in relief. After that, we started walking to the practice room sneakily. Jungkook turned the lights on and I walked to sit on the couch.

He sat down beside me. "So, which song are you going to choose for the singing evaluation?" He asked and I smiled nervously. I wanted to tell him about the song I've always loved and practiced but I felt like it's out of my league.

I exhaled a long and deep breath. "Ailee sunbae's Heaven?" I finally suggested and his jaw literally dropped.

I furrowed my eyebrows together, then pouted. "You don't think I can do that, do you?" I playfully got mad at him but his lips curved into a smile in an instant. What?

"W-Why that face?" I questioned him shakily, inching backward in order to make some gaps between us. "I didn't say that you couldn't do it." He spoke up, touching the back of my palm softly.

"I was just surprised because my girlfriend is doing much better than I expected." He whispered really silently, his lips touching mine.

All of a sudden, I flinched and stood up immediately when I heard knocks on the door. "Come on in," I said and the door creaked open slowly, revealing Hyemin holding two cups of coffee. Oh yes, I might need it if I ended up practicing till midnight.

"Thanks Hyemin," I expressed my gratitude politely and she frowned. We both started laughing simultaneously. "So, which song are you going to sing tomorrow?" She asked me and I looked at Jungkook nervously.

"U-Uh, we're still finding a song." Jungkook answered and she blushed like a tomato.

"What about you, Hyemin? You've been practicing in the afternoon, right?" I changed the topic and she fortunately joined me. "Oh yes! It was tiring! But I really love Ailee sunbae's I Will Show You." She exclaimed excitedly and I laughed nervously.

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