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His voice is barely heard and I knew that he's going to collapse soon. Just as I was about to take him to his room, the door bursted open loudly.

What the heck? Worst timing.

Hyemin was standing still at the door, looking at us while holding two cups of coffee.

"Uhm, I am sorry if I disturb—" She stuttered but I cut her off in an instant.

"Help me out for a second. He can't stand on his feet," I told her and she put the coffee on the table quickly.

"What happened?" She questioned, while slinging Jungkook's arm to put around her shoulders.

"He must not have eaten much today," I said, trying to take him outside the practice room. "He insisted to continue practicing," I lowered my voice, leading him to his room.

"That fool," I muttered under my breath.

I knocked on the door, hoping to get replies from V and Jimin, since the maknae line slept together but there's none.

I just entered the room casually, putting Jungkook on the bed. Hyemin and I kept panting, sitting on the floor.

"What to do? He has a fever!" She spoke worriedly, and I quickly straightened to put my palm on his forehead, measuring his temperature. It's getting hotter, oh no.

"Bring a towel and a bowl of cool water," I told Hyemin and she nodded, going outside.

I sat down beside him and pulled a blanket till his neck. His lips became rough and pale, and he was sweating hard.

"Jungkook? Are you feeling ill anywhere else?" I asked him and he shook his head tremblingly.

I took my phone out and saw that it's really midnight but why are V and Jimin nowhere to be seen?

Quickly, I dialed V and it connected after a few beeps.

"Hello~" He spoke with a drunk voice.

"Yah Taehyung, are you drunk? Where's Jimin?" I shouted and he hiccuped, "let me talk to jimin please." I told him.

"H-Haena," Jimin... is also drunk.

"I can't believe this," I sighed deeply. "You are going to get into trouble once again," I tried to explain but the phone disconnected.

I'm going toㅡ

I quickly dialed J-Hope. "Hoseok? I have a favour to make,"

"Haena? What is it?" He asked, calmly.

"Could you take care of Taehyung and Jimin? They are drunk again," I kept walking back and forth.

"Again?" He exclaimed in surprised.


"Alright, don't worry," He hung up and I sighed, sitting back on the bed when suddenly Jungkook mumbled something.

"W-Water," He spoke quietly and I brought a bottle of water for him. He drank it up in one shot.

Hyemin bursted inside the room bringing a towel and a bowl of cool water. She gave it to me and I soaked the small towel into the water then put on his forehead.

His breathing became stable once again and I heaved a big sigh in relief.

"Are you not going to rest? The evaluation's tomorrow," I told her but she flashed me a worried look.

"Uhm, yes. But—"

"Don't worry about Jungkook. I am going to take care of him," I reassured her and she looked at me weirdly. "Since I am in charge," I added another sentence, to make the situation less awkward.

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