something fixed

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Fi's pov )  I wish I could die...

I  had been siting on the island alone for about two days I think. I heard the flapping of bird wings I looked up as Zanes bird landed a few feet away from me " where's  your rider boy "I question the bird let's out a low rumble and walked over to me. " please I'm sorry " suddenly It grabbed me and threw me on its back suddenly took flight I screamed and tightly grabbed onto his neck as he flew for about two hours and came towards an island with a water fall he landed and bucked me off  he then grabbed the back of my shirt and carried me into a cave he dropped me onto the floor I heard another bird leave " I'm sorry you two for doing this two you but you must fix this problem and escape together " suddenly the cave closed  I stood up quickly and ran to the rock in front of the cave entrance and pounded on it " let me out ...let me out " I said I heard shuffling behind me I turned slowly " h-hello " I asked hearing an angry voice " great if getting thrown into a cave by my dad isn't bad enough I'm stuck in here with you " the person steppes foward " z-zane" I say he growls at me   "  you have no right to say my name "he turned away I reached out sadly but he moved as I reached towards him I slide down the side of the wall  and curled into a tight ball as the tears started pouring. "I'm sorry ... I'm so sorry ... for calling you a monster , for leaving you , for hurting you so badly , and most of all I'm sorry for not being able to have given you children " I named the things I  had done to him. After I finished I was crying even more ...

Zanes pov) did she mean what she was saying ...

I was walking away when she started to apologize I stopped after she finished a single tear fell from my eye and made a splash sound on the floor. It was followed by more tears as I let out a broken cry. Fi heard it and looked up "z-zane " she said I fell to my knees crying " I should be the one apologizing fi I ... I went to far on defeating Ghirahim I should of stopped I felt that I need to make sure he was dead "I cried after not hearing a reply from fi but suddenly I felt two cold arms wrap around my chest and pull me into a hug I then felt the warmth of a smaller body on my back I opened my eyes and looked to see fi hugging me tightly and crying into my back " z-zane ohh zane" I twisted my body so I could wrap my arms around her " fi ... i-im sorry  for yelling at you " fi just hugged me tighter I sighed "fi I still love you and I'm willing to give us another chance if you are " fi didn't awnswer for a moment "zane you know how a bride and groom are suppose to do stuff on the wedding knight I- I want to give you what I have left I want to try to give you the best night of your life" after she spoke she kissed me ....

A skip of time 

Fi's pov ) that was the best night of my life...

I laid cuddled up into zane wearing his shirt I sighed and snuggled closer sniffing his shirt and smiling zane had his arm around me tightly. After awhile he woke up and we got dressed. Suddenly the door in front of the cave opened and in stepped link and zelda at that moment I saw Zanes  arm swing into motion as he socked his father in the face link went down from the shock and zelda was checking if he was ok. She glared at me with hatred.  I then slide my arm into Zanes he looked at me and kissed my head. His mom sighed and walked away link stood up and saw us " good your back together". We nodded and left the cave zane called his bird and helped me on then got on him self I slide my hands around his waist feeling his muscles   I leaned my head onto his back and sighed soon falling asleep to the warmth of zane...

Link dosent even care he just got socked in the face -orange

Time skip about 4 months later...

Zanes pov) I was asleep when suddenly I heard fi call my name my eyes shot open and I stepped up running to her voice to the bath room when I ran in she was puking into the toilet" what's wronge " I asked " I don't know woke up this morning and ran to the bathroom and started puking again i think somethings seriously wronge" she says "I'll get zelda " I say  running out of the bathroom and out of the house I ran past some of the people out early and slammed throught the door of the academy scaring  my mother who had just woke up half to death "mom .... fi ...woke up sick .... don't know what's going on " zelda sighed "she's a spirt she doesn't get sick " she turned to leave "she's puking in the toilet apparently since early this morning it's been happening like every morning   for the last 4 months and she's been eating werid  " at that she stopped walking and mumbled something " every morning you say" she grabs link who was eating and pulled him to our house I followed when I opened the door I heard puking. We got to the bathroom and zelda sat next to fi suddenly she gasped " I just thought she was gaining weight " a smile crosses her face " don't worry fi your not really sick well you are but it's a good type of sick " fi looked at her confused " fi ... your gonna have a baby " at that Fi's eyes widened " b-but I'm barren  I had scrapper run a scan of me it said a 95 percent chance of never being able to birth after how tore up my insides were after Ghirahim " she looked down Zane smiled " fi this just means we got the five percent of being able to have a baby " 

Time skip 5 months later ...

Fi's pov) I am very pregnant ...

I was walking with zane through the plaza every so often I would rub my stomach protectively and smile as I did zane then stopped walking...

To be finished next time

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