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I woke up the next morning to the sound of thunder cracking and rain pouring down from the heavens. I sat up as the day before came rushing back. Ugh, now I had to explain why I freaked out, didn't I? I couldn't just let them think I'm crazy. I'm just going to go downstairs and explain everything.

I need to tell them, besides it would be good for me to talk about it. And there's no shame in fearing water and drowning. It's fine, I can tell them.

It was a Sunday today so I have no classes. I decided to wear my favorite bell bottoms and a burgundy sweater. I shuffled downstairs to the common room.

I stopped in my tracks when I realized there were six pairs of eyes on me. The marauders, Paige, and Ada were all sitting on the couches and staring at me. I can't do it. I'm not going to tell them. I'm just going to smooth it over, hope no one asks anything, and slink back to my room.

"Hey guys. I though you would be at breakfast." I said, sitting down beside James cause of the whole fake dating thing. He draped his arm around me and I leaning into him. "It's noon Carina." James explained to me, shooting me a concerned look in the process.

Oh, I must have overslept." I said, " oh hey thanks for everything yesterday I'm really sorry for that drama" I said.

Sirius looked at me curiously, "Are you really apologizing for almost drowning? It wasn't your fault, it was Peters." That earned him a hurt look and a elbow in the ribs from Peter.

"I'm sorry Carina. I didn't mean to." Peter said meekly.

I raised my eyebrows "It's okay Peter, Sirius pushed you so it's mainly his fault." I joked, smiling at Sirius. "And I'm apologizing for flipping out and being hysterical. I don't know... I think we should all just forget about the lake."

My friends all looked at each other and sadly shook their heads. There was silence then Ada asked the one question I hoped no one would ask, "Can you just tell us and then we forget? What was that about any way? Like what is so bad about the lake?"

Paige jumped in "You don't have to answer you know."

But I think I just wanted to get this out. I looked down and sighed "I have a huge family, there is 9 of us in total, counting my parents. I had four brothers and two sisters, there's Jasper, Ruth, Eric, Kathleen, Damien, and... And Elijah. My voice cracked but I continued, "I was closest to my brothers Damien and Eli, they were twins. But... two summers ago, they all decided to go swimming in the pond behind our house, and I wanted to tag along, because I basically did whatever they did.

We had been swimming an hour or so when all of a sudden Eli was pulled under. Damien told me to stay by the bank while he ran to get mother and father. I had to just sit there for half an hour for help to come. I was so miserable and worried.

At this point, Eli is definitely not coming back up. And I had to sit and wait because... because I cant really swim. My mum finally came and was so desperate she called muggle police when the ministry couldn't come out right away.

They searched all day before they found his body. He was... dead. His funeral was a week later, that's why I came here late last year. He was my best friend, my brother."

Everyone sat there, staring at me. Paige was the only one who knew before I told. I don't want anyone's pity or to be treated differently. I took a deep breath and stood up "No more moping about, up everyone, lets go to the great hall! I'm hungry!" Paige rolled her eyes, "You're always hungry."

I forced a smile "Food makes the soul happy!"

James and Paige both flanked my sides. James held my hand the whole way there. It felt weird having a warm hand in my cold one. Once we were at the great hall I ate a delicious lunch .

It was fantastic and just what I needed. I felt loads better now. It wasn't so bad, to just talk about it and my friends just listened. Its always really great to feel like someone is listening to me, and it was awesome to have 7 people.

Paige's POV

After a few weeks, everything smoothed itself out. And I mean everything. James and Carina were still going steady, even if the relationship had a weird and sudden start. Sirius and Nicole had gotten to know each other and actually became great friends. And apparently Nicole turned out to be a crazy prankster when she wanted to. It was scary. I learned that the hard way.

One afternoon, I had left my books in the dorm while Carina and I watched James and Sirius's quidditch match and the little gremlin took that to her advantage. She had put a charm on all of my books. I could no longer open any of them them. I was absolutely miserable.

So Remus and I got together and broke the charm. Nicole had definitely regretted ever putting it there to begin with. I got her back the old muggle way by using the only sharpie I owned.

Anyways I drew all over her face. And I'm a horrible artist. Which made things even better. At breakfast the next morning, Remus and I just had to high five and say that was what she got for messing with our books. It would have turned into a full on prank war if Carina hadn't stepped in and somehow convinced me and Remus to lay off of Nicole. And then she somehow convinced Nicole to lay off of me and Remus. So all in all, we were even. Fair and square.

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