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Carina POV.

We had been talking for a couple of minutes when Marlene asked the dreaded question, "So Carina, you and James seemed cozy. Is it really true, that you two are dating?" I put my head in my hands to hide my insane blushing. All the girls giggled.

But luckily I was saved by a thump from the door. But before anyone could get up to investigate it, James and Sirius burst in like they owned the place.

Nicole looked shocked, "Sirius, James what are you doing here?" She exclaimed. Sirius and James looked behind them, rolled their eyes and walked out. We all sat up taller and craned our necks to see what they were doing but before we could figure it out, they came in pulling Remus by his ears.

I scooted over so James and Sirius could sit down because unfortunately I was sitting in-between Paige and Nicole. Naturally Sirius wanted to sit by Nicky, and James sat in between me and Paige.  Poor Remus went to awkwardly sit on the floor.

"Wait a minute, Remus." James said scooping me up and setting me on his lap. "There, we made room."

I blushed like mad as Remus sat beside Paige. I was pushed up against James chest and my head resting on his shoulder. I was tense to say the least, it took my a few moments to relax.

But unfortunately Marlene didn't miss a beat. "Anyway Carina, as I was saying, I guess the rumors about you and James are true. Y'all really are dating?" She asked eagerly. I rolled my eyes and James laughed. "Oh course, me and Carina are dating! She's great!" I laughed,"You little kiss up, but I suppose you're alright." I teased him.

Sirius cleared his throat, "So anyone up for truth or dare?" I groaned but everyone else cheered.  

"Ok fine." I said, "but I go first." I thought a moment. "Ok Remus, truth or dare?" He looked around at every one before sighing and said, "I'm going to regret this but dare." I smiled. "Ok go to your chocolate stash and get me a candy bar!"

He looked appalled. "WHAT! How did you even know about that?" I laughed, "I have my ways, lupin, now go!" He got up grumbling about stupid, know it all girls who have their heads stuck to far up their arse's to ever take them out again.

"I can hear you, you dimwit! Hurry up!" I shouted at him. We all laughed as he glared at me.

We all followed him to the common room and sat on the couches. Marlene, Alice, and Lily decided to keep their boy free sleepover upstairs, which was probably smart. Remus came back about five minutes later holding two chocolate bars. "Here" he said bitterly throwing them on the couch.

Paige's POV

After Remus shared his candy with us, which I thoroughly enjoyed, it was soon his turn.

"Okay. Um, James! Truth or dare," he asked.
"Dare me!"
Remus thought about it for what seemed forever, but he finally decided. "I dare you to go jump in the Black Lake. Right now."

James looked a bit taken aback by this, as it was really cold outside. "You're kidding right?"

Remus only shook his head.

And not even twenty minutes later, we were back in the castle with a soaked James wrapped in a blanket and a laughing group of friends. James was shaking and kept rubbing his arms. "When we get back you're taking a shower. You reek!" Carina laughed.

James smiled before tackling Carina in a bear hug, thoroughly wetting her. She let out a yell in protest and ran out from under him. She ran at me and dove in my arms. " Merlin  you're cold. And really wet" I said as I felt her now ice cold arms.

When we got back James took a quick hot shower and Carina went to change PJ's. Eventually we met back to continue the game.

"Uhh... Sirius! Truth or dare," said James.

"Dare me, mate!"

James didn't even hesitate when he said," I dare you to stand on your head!"

"Easy!" He proclaimed, standing up and walking to the far wall, he leaned over, sitting his head on the floor and getting into a head stand.

"How?" I asked in disbelief .

Carina and James were whispering something and kept looking at me in a way that made me uncomfortable. I shifted in my seat a bit.
When Sirius came back, he plopped down on the couch next to me.

"Alright," Sirius started," Care! Truth or dare?"

"I know I'm probably going to regret this, but dare!"

"I dare you to go knock on the Slytherin common room door and run back."

She sighed, rolled her eyes, said alright and left. But then came back.
"I almost forgot! Truth or dare, Paige?"

"Umm, I guess dare," I said as I felt my cheeks redden and my heart beat faster. Why did I have to be in the spotlight now of all times?

"Oh wow, horrible decision. I dare you sing the hogwarts song until I get back."

I groaned in frustration, "Hogwarts, hoggy hoggy, hogwarts!" I sang quietly as everyone jokingly covered their ears.

Nicole gave me a sympathetic pat on the back. Carina was back soon enough. Meaning it was my turn.
"Okay umm... Ada? Truth or dare?"
I wasn't confident in giving any good dares, which I was sure she would pick.

"Dare me!"
But I just said what came to mind. "Don't speak for the rest of the night, then!"
Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor and she nodded.
"Oh! Except for giving the next person their dare!"

"Sirius! Truth or dare?"
"Um, dare obviously!"
"I'm going to mess up your life."
"Oh no..."
"Oh, yes! I dare you to go hit on that girl over there!" Ada pointed to the only girl left. She was sitting in a corner, her black hair covering most of her face. She was writing something.

"Sirius," Nicole scolded.

Sirius flinched but shrugged "Sorry, but I refuse to loose." Nicole crossed her arms and pretended to be mad.

Sirius went over and tried to make a casual conversation with her, and failed.

"I already have a boyfriend! You bloody creep," she screamed at him.

When he came back to the circle, he was beaming. "And I'm still alive! Remus! Truth or dare," he asked way too eagerly. "Dare! I'm not loosing to you anytime soon, Sirius Black!" Was Remus's quick reply.

"Very well." He and James grinned from ear to ear. Uh-oh.

"I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room."

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