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After all the first years had been sorted and seated at their new houses tables, Dumbledore stood up, tall and proud at the podium. His long gray beard brushing the surface of it.

"Welcome students to Hogwarts. A few friendly reminders before we begin the festivities. Absolutely no student under any circumstances should enter the forbidden forest, it's depths hold most gruesome dangers to even the most experienced of wizards." He proclaimed to all the students.

"And the next and last thing is that there will be a All Hallows' Eve ball this year. All students are invited. Costumes are not only expected but required. It shall be held right here on October 31. I believe that is all, please, enjoy your year at Hogwarts," he snapped his fingers and enormous amounts of food popped up all along the table.

"You may eat!" He cried with a laugh.

We started digging in to our feast. There was copious amounts of roast, and pudding, Shepard's pie, lamb chops, pumpkin pastries and more. The pumpkin juice was delicious and I reached for the steak and kidney pie twice.

As dinner wrapped up and everyone started to groan about eating to much, kids started to head to the Gryffindor tower. Me and Paige got up to stretch a little before following after them. I climbed the stairs slowly but so was everyone else. Well, beside James and Sirius, who were playing behind us, pushing and shoving each other around and being overall idiots.

Abigail Balfour was the head girl this year and she was leading the way to the tower. She carefully explained how to get in and out to all the first years in the front. We finally reached the portrait and she said the password, which was Marigold. Everyone rushed past her to their respective rooms.

I grabbed Paige's wrist and pulled her up the stairs to the fifth year girls room. It looked similar to last years room but was a bit bigger. I sauntered over to the bed with my suitcase on it. The bed was next to a window so I looked out and could see the black lake and a bit of the forest.

"Why does he always do that? He always pushes me away in front of his Slytherin friends now." A voice from the hallway chirped out.

"He'll get over it. And like I tell you all the time, he's probably not the best person to be friends with any way. He's a creep." Said another voice.

By this time they had walked into the room and I could clearly see it was Lily and Marlene. "Talking about Snape I presume?" I ask nonchalantly. I loved to push Evans buttons and asking about Severus Snape was by far the fastest and easiest way to do it.

"That is none of your business, Kennedy." Marlene sneered.

"That's just the problem Marlene, she probably thinks that it is her business. Carina is from the same type of family as all of the people Severus hangs out with. Your parents are death eaters, aren't they? Or are you one too?" She asked me with a knowing smirk.

I smile at her. "Wouldn't you like to know? Lily, hasn't anyone ever told you shouldn't mess with dangerous death eaters?" I say innocently.

Paige snorts loudly from her bed beside mine. Lily's eyes widened at my comment and she sputters in response. Marlene is sending a sharp glare my way. "Guess that's a no." I said turning back around to continue packing.

This was going to be a great year, I could just feel it.

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