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A/N: Guys, this chapter sucks. It is especially bad and the characters are all out of character. I wrote this in middle school. The story does get somewhat better after this or if the writing is still bad, I have re-written this story. Hearthfire is so much better than this, please go read it.

Paige's pov.
Soon it was the week of the Halloween ball.
I awoke the next morning smelling something sweet. I slowly pull my head up and look around. It was  Marlene just putting on perfume as usual. I turn to the bed in which Carina is laying in. She's still asleep.

For a second I wish for myself to get her back for her waking me up with cold water in second year. But then I remember how cold and icy it was and how I had almost caught hypothermia.

I look over at Carina one more time. I decide to just shake her awake gently like I always do.

After she was up and ready, we headed to breakfast. We found the Marauders acting a bit strange. But what can I say? It's the Marauders.

I put on my calm and normal face, which was a lot of work considering Sirius was shoving several waffles in his mouth at once for reasons unknown.

I looked over at Carina to see she was perfectly calm, although her lips were twitching. Or at least, she was calm on the outside.

Ada and Nicole were still in the dormitory. We thought we should let them sleep. And Sirius seemed to notice the absence of his second best prankster.

"Where's Nicole," asked Sirius.

"Oh! She stayed up late last night with Ada," said Carina. "So we let them sleep," I finished for her.

I just shrugged and we took our seats.

Carina was about to say something but James quickly cut her off.
"Alright girls! We trust you all," he started.
"So we've decided to tell you a big secret," added Sirius. "Remus, would you do the honors please?"

We all waited in silence. Intense silence.

Remus then leaned in close to us all and we all leaned closer to him. He then whispered, looking scared,"I'm a werewolf."

That word... It struck a nerve. Werewolf. I've had enough of them for a lifetime.

We had all leaned back in shock and I glanced at Remus. He was looking at us all with a worried expression.

I was in pure shock. Nothing else. My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty. My stomach was now a bottomless pit. It was when I looked around that everyone had accepted it. James and Sirius were smiling like they had just won House Cup. Of course Carina was asking Remus a billion questions.

But I still felt sick. It was only when Carina placed her hand on my shoulder that I realized I was shaking a bit. She was the only one I had told. A secret for a secret. It wasn't an actual deal, but it was my mentality. And unlike her, I didn't plan on telling anyone else. It my burden to bear and no one else's.

Carina looked into my pale blue-gray eyes and she furrowed her eyebrows. "Paige?"

I knew she was about to ask if I was okay.

I wasn't. I felt a lump in my throat at the mere memory of what had happened to her, my cousin. Her name was Leila and she was only six years old when she was brutally murdered by a werewolf. Her body was in so many pieces. The worse part was that they never found who did it. No one paid for their crimes against little Leila.

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