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I sighed at the dull ache in my head. Which had started after dinner yesterday. I couldn't get it to go away. I focused on  twisting the bracelet on my arm which temporarily distracted me by thinking of something other than the ache.

"Excuse me? Is anyone sitting here?" asked a deep voice behind me with a strong foreign accent. I turned around. It was Archer Adev. He was gesturing to the seat beside me. Paige's seat! "Yeah, it is, but the next one down is empty." I offered. He smiled down at me. Whoa he had a great smile.

I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he set down his books and sat down. I couldn't help but grin. So not only was new boy extremely attractive, he was also polite. I could roll with that. I felt something hit my head and I whipped around.

Sirius was smirking behind me. I was about to turn back around and ignore his foolishness, but he gestured to the paper ball on the floor. I glared at him but reached down to pick it up. I notice James was sitting beside him glaring at the back of the new guys head. I ignored him and read Sirius's note.

"Stop ogling the new boy. You're making it obvious. James is about to have a heart attack."

I glared at him again as Paige came to her seat. She peeked over my shoulder to read the note. I didn't jerk the paper away fast enough. She sent me a curious glance before noticing Archer. She turned back wide eyed at me. "He's hot." She whispered. I grinned at her, and nodded in agreement.

I looked back at the note and decided to answer, probably something along the lines of, 'I wasn't. You were' or possibly something lamer. I scrambled around in my bag for a quill and ink. "Excuse me, Miss. Kennedy are we interrupting you?" Professor Chambersburg asked angrily.

"No sir. I was... just looking for a quill to write down notes for class. I really need to do well on the next test." I explained, hoping my face was sincere. He narrowed his eyes but he nodded and slowly stomped back to his desk. I sighed in relief and went for the paper. It wasn't there.

Paige slid the paper over to me. "I saw him coming so I hid it."

I smiled, "Thanks." I whispered.


We had lunch after class, although I felt much too ill to eat much. My headache had grown and now engulfed my whole head. Paige convinced me to eat half of a scone before I decided that was good enough.

It was a fairly quiet lunch period, since sixth years got one of the first lunch spots along with the fourth years. Remus was going his homework for his next class, albeit cutting the due date a little close. Sirius was sticking toothpicks in Remus's food until he noticed. What Sirius hadn't noticed was that Remus had been aware the whole time, but it at least kept Sirius occupied.

"Uh, excuse me. Can I sit?" Archer asked behind James who was across from me. Paige nodded and scooted over.

"Here." She said shyly. He grinned and sat down at the seat she offered. It was Paige, Archer, James on one side, and on the other sat Remus, me, Ada, and Peter in that order.

Archer soon became engaged in conversation with Paige as I attempted to nibble at a carrot. I was surprised she had talked to him without being persuaded beforehand.

She was definitely the most shy out of the group. She was incredibly awkward in most situations, especially if it involved boys. I on the other hand was okay. Just okay, no more, no less. Speaking of which.

James nudged me with his foot and smiled at me. "How was class?" He asked.

"It was same old class. Chambersburg's lesson on human technology was quite fascinating. I especially enjoyed the bit on toasters. But most exciting part of that lesson by far was that I almost got caught passing notes with Sirius." I said.

"Why were you passing notes with Sirius? Were you talking about me?" He asked, fanning his face as if he was blushing. "I'm flattered, really!"

I laughed, "It wasnt about you. It was nothing, truly."

"Nothing? Well you gotta give me something here." He pleaded.

"No actually. I dont." I said, my lips involuntarily curling up at the edges. "I'm a free woman who doesn't have to follow any of your rules. This has literally nothing to do with you and if you weren't so nosy it wouldn't matter."

"Of course it matters. Everything you do matters, at least to me it does." He explained, keeping a boyish grin on his face.

I snorted, "You don't have to flatter me, I'm still not telling you."

"I'm being serious." he insisted.

"You're full of it, James Potter!"

"So I've been told. "

"Rightfully so."

"I deserved that. "


I held my head in anguish. Desperately praying for the pain to stop. It was a constant, lingering ache that had started in my eyes and moved through out my head. At first I could subdue it by closing my eyes and isolating myself in a quiet place. I liked outside and the library but now, when I closed my eyes, all I could think of was the pain.

I suspected the migraine had something to do with the Anxiety attack several days ago. Maybe the stress of going through the  panic was getting to me.

I leaned my head on the desk in the deserted common room. I dug my fist into my stomach which helped because it made me focus on a different pain. I felt it would never end. My eyes ached with a awful feeling I couldn't describe. It seemed I was slipping in and out of consciousness. I felt the urge to crawl into a ball and cry. I heard footsteps. "Carina? Are you okay?" A male voice called out. I forced myself to surface.

I opened my eyes to see James hunched over me, one hand clutching my shoulder and looking concerned. I shook him off. "Get off me, I'm fine." I mumbled and sat up in the wooden chair. My chest felt like exploding and my ears felt like fire.

"No, I'm taking you to the infirmary. You're burning up."

"No" I growled. "I said I'm fine." I used the desk to help me stand up. "I can handle myself."

James looked angry, "Just let me help you! You obviously need it."

"I don't need anyone's help. I'm fine. You worry too much."

"I walked in and you're lying on the desk, sweating bullets, and looking miserable. What's your definition of fine? " James exclaimed, his face turning a lovely shade of red.

"Please, stop yelling." I clutched my temples and gathered the books of the desk.

"I'll be fine in no time. Just give me a couple hours." I stumbled to the stairs and to my room. I dropped my books on the floor and kicked off my shoes. It was then that I remembered I had pain killers in my bathroom. I went and took two.

I laid in my bed, not bothering to change clothes. I took a deep breath to calm my anger from the  frustrating conversation with James. I closed my eyes and fell into a fitful sleep.

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