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Paige's pov.

I looked down, not wanting to have to meet his eyes.

He took a few moments either deciding or working up the courage to do his dare. I had lost hope in it being me. He must already be kissing someone else. I slowly looked up just as I felt lips on mine.

My eyes widened in shock and I didn't react at first but after a few seconds I realized what was happening.

He broke it off and quickly sat down, red staining both of our cheeks.

"Ooh" Sirius cooed.

"James, truth or dare." Remus said, quickly changing the topic to someone else.

"Truth." James said confidently.

"When did you and Carina have your first kiss?"

"Eh we haven't yet actually." James said sheepishly. Carina was starting to blush again.

"Carina truth our dare?" James said, also wanting to move things away from his love life. "I guess dare."

"Go bring me some of those deserts that you're always making."

Carina sighed before crawling up off the floor and leaving the common room.

While she was gone Sirius and James had started a game of Rock Paper Scissors with Nicole cheering Sirius on.  Remus and I just keep stealing glances at each other and I was playing with my hands.

Carina was back after a few minutes with a pumpkin pie and a chocolate cake. She set them on the table in front of the couch. Nicole decided she didn't want sweets this late and she went to bed. Carina sat in the middle of Sirius and James were all on a couch.

Both were like brothers to her, and protected her in a way I knew her elder siblings would be proud of. I knew James and Sirius loved her but in different ways. Sirius loved her and me in the same way, like a sister. But James seemed to love her differently, but I wasn't sure if it was romantically yet.

I stood up, "Well, are we going to eat the sweets or just stare at them?" I teased. Everyone on Carina's couch sat up and Ada got the paper plates Carina had grabbed.

"I've been waiting to long for this!" Sirius cried dramatically. "Oh hush." Carina rolled her eyes. She cut the cake then the pie. She handed pieces out then got one for herself.

Carina's POV.

I sat down with my pie and my little piece of cake. I was about to start with the cake when I heard, "This is good" I looked up to see Sirius eating his pie.

He started on his piece of chocolate cake. "This is even better!" He said with a smile. "Good" I laughed.

A few minutes later Remus decided to go to bed and Paige decided to hit the hay to, which left just me, Siri, and James. But James was already asleep and Sirius was half way there. I started to get up but James arm was over my waist and he tried to pull my closer.

He was comfortable. I was tired so I snuggled into his side, quickly falling asleep.

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