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I woke up on the couch being shook awake by someone. "Carina." Someone said lowly.

I opened my eyes only to see James Potter standing above me. I jerked up and the events of last night flooded back to me. This had to end, I couldn't be with him, despite my hopes.

"I can't do it, I know you love her. I can't be with you." I said, my morning voice low and unsteady.

I pushed past him, pretending I didn't see his shocked face.

I got ready soberly, mostly ignoring my roommates and even Paige.

I walked to the great hall alone and sat father down by myself. Paige came to sit by me but I didn't say a word to her. I ate some toast, I couldn't handle anything heavier.

I finished my toast rather quickly and tried to ignore James confused and sad glances. I couldn't take it anymore so I gathered my things, said a quick goodbye to Paige and went to my first class of potions.

Students started filing in soon after I did, and I suddenly remembered that I also had this class with James Potter. Darn, I was so focused on not talking to him right now.

I shut my eyes and put my head on my desk, hoping he would suddenly become sick or a meteor would come and kill us all. But neither happened.

In fact my luck was so bad he left his seat beside Sirius that was behind me and sat beside me. "What's going on Carina, we were fine just yesterday now you want nothing to do with me."

I picked my head up but kept looking straight forward. "I made a revelation, I'm not ready and neither are you. Just leave me alone!" I answered angrily.

"So that's it? We're done before things even started? If this is about Lily, I really am over her, I want you Carina." He whispered since class has started. "Please just stop." I said through clenched teeth.

Didn't he see that I had fallen to fast and to hard for him? Didn't he see I was hurt and I wasn't ready? That I need time? He was breaking me to pieces.

"I can't believe this." He said shaking his head.

We were half way through the lesson and sluggy had just turned around when a paper ball arched skillfully over my head and landed on my desk. I picked it up and unwrapped it.

Are you ok?

Did you break it off with him?


I took out my pen and wrote back answers for each question.

Are you ok?
Im alright

Did you break it off with him?

I waited until Slughorn had turned around. I turned in my seat and tossed it to him. He caught it and unraveled it. I turned back around and found James starring at me. He looked away as soon as he realized I had caught him.

We will talk about this later. ~ Sirius

I wrote ok and threw it back at him.

Professor Slughorn erased every thing from the board and waved his hand. "I have the most dreadful headache. I am unable to teach anymore, You are dismissed." I gathered my books and stood up. When has this ever happened before? The one day I want to have no free time.

I practically ran past James and fled to the hall where I though I was safe.  I picked up my pace until I felt a hand on my shoulder, and whipped around.

It was Wilder Myerson, a 6th year Ravenclaw, with wavy brown hair that swept over his forehead and blue eyes. He was quite attractive although his quiet aura was kind of a put off for other girls. He was quiet and a total book nerd.

I attempted to smile at him, "Hello."

"Hi, I'm Wilder Myerson, I heard you needed help in Astronomy. Mcconagall told me about you and asked if I would tutor you."

I was momentarily distracted my James brushing past me, casting me a angry look.

"Oh I didn't realize I was that bad, um, sure I would love help, thanks. I can do tomorrow at 4:15." I said after a few seconds of gathering my thoughts away from James Potter.

He nodded. "Great. Meet me in the library." He instructed.

I started walking again and he walked with me. "So, you like Quidditch?" He asked. I grinned, "Yeah tons, you?" He nodded, "We should play together sometime, I saw you playing last year, you were really good."

"Thank you, I would love that! I've been so distracted, and I wasn't able to play this year. I haven't played lately, I could probably go after muggle studies." I thought out loud.

"Mind if I join you?" Wilder asked.

"No of course not! That sounds fun." I told him.

Yeah, I'll be there." He said with a smile. By this time we made it to Transfigurations class and had stopped walking. "Why don't you meet me at 4:30? I know it's before dinner but I am always tired after dinner." I suggested.

"Yeah sounds good, I'll see you then!" He said before he walked off.

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