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I straightened my black dress and I sat uncomfortably in a metal chair next to Paige. The pastor was reciting verses and speaking of the great things Cepheus John Abernathy had done. He even included me when he spoke of the family.

When he was done he spoke one last time in the mic. "Now we will have a few close family and friends come and speak." I had volunteered to read what the families had written so they wouldn't have to stand up there and try not to break down. I also got to add my own section speaking of my relationship with Mr. Abernathy. I was second.

The first was his sister, Aunt Tari. She spoke of when they were kids and how kind and generous he was. When she finished I stood and walked to the podium.

I didn't notice how many people were here until now. I started out with what I wrote, "Hello, most of you do not know me but, my name is Carina Kennedy, I am not related by blood to the Abernathy family. I didn't know any of them until six years ago when I came to visit Paige on holiday. I had never experienced a fathers love before I entered Mr. Abernathy's home. He provided more love and support in that first summer than my real parents had my whole life. That was just the kind of guy he was. My first day he put me to work, I remember when we met, he asked me if I was tall enough to reach a broom handle, and I told him I could, he said I was hired. I didn't think he was serious." That earned a couple chuckles from the crowd.

"But despite the hard work I stuck around, I couldn't figure out why until I learned he was sick. He, and Mrs. Lucille, Henry, and Paige, had given me what I needed, a family, ever since day one."


I stood by the food table were I was close by to Paige as she shook hands and hugged random strangers. I did my own share of hugging and shaking hands. I was currently speaking to Paige's Grandma who who was in her late sixties. She had taken it rather hard as Cepheus was her first child and only son. She had now outlived not only her husband but her son.

"It will get better, Mrs. Abernathy. You know better than anyone that he was a very practical man and didn't believe in moping about." I told Mrs. Abernathy. "You're right dear." She said before tottering away.

I was surprised to see James Potter and his parents next in line to see Lucille and Paige. He felt my gaze and we made eye contact. When the people moved up, James father shook Lucille's hand and his mother hugged Paige.

James hugged Paige also before exchanging a few words. When the Potters were done, James glanced back at me and I attempted to smile at him. He turned to his mother as they approached the door. He nodded at what she had said. He turned and walked to me.

James stood in front of me for a second before we embraced. I buried my head in his shoulder as he whispered, "I'm sorry. I'm... I wish I had known." We stood there. "Me too, James. I'm sorry about everything." I said pulling away.

"About... Everything?" He asked, confused.

"Everything last year, the fake dating, leading you on. I see now what a mistake it all was. " I said gripping his arm.

"Yeah, well, that's the thing, It was my fault too. I should have given both of us more time. I wanted to use you to get over Lily, and now that I have, I can't stop thinking about you." He said, messing with his hair as he did when he felt awkward or nervous.

"I know you're with Wilder now-" he was interrupted by me.

"Woah, I'm not with Wilder. We are just friends." I explained.

"What?" He asked before being startled from behind.
He turned to his mother who had come over to us, and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"This is Carina, Mom. She's one of my friends from school." He mumbled to her. "Nice to meet you, Carina, James talks of you and Paige all the time, quite the dynamic duo." She said. I smiled and nodded to her, "Nice to meet you also, I wish it was on different circumstances." I replied.

"So do I, dear." She said before telling James it was time to go and moving toward her husband.

"Can we talk later, at school. I still have stuff to tell you." He asked. "Me too. I'll be back Wednesday." I replied.

I waved at James who turned to look at me one last time.

"What was all that about?" Paige asked walking over to me. She stared at the Potter boys retreating figure. "Nothing, I didn't know he knew your family." I said.

"His father, Fleamont Potter was a friend of my fathers when they were children. They live in Godric's hallow too, couldn't tell you where though." She clarified.

"Oh." I said.

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