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A/N: Hey guys so I know I haven't been the most... A/n-ish writer, but that's because I find these things annoying and usually skip over them, oops! Anyway, if any of you have any ideas for the story, feel free to comment or message me! I love feed back, critical or encouraging! Oh and thanks for 1k reads!

Me and paige walked to the stair case leading towards the common room where the marauders were waiting. We linked arms and glided down the stairs, all of the boys stood there with fidgeting hands, James kept taking his hands through his hair and messing it up before fixing it again.

He heard us coming down and looked at me with wide eyes. I started blushing at the attention.

I stopped in front of him.

"Hey." I said with a slight smile and red cheeks.

James grinned. "You look stunning, both of you." Me and Paige both curtsied and said "Why thank you kind sir!" We both crackled with laughter, the boys also laughed at our silliness. James grabbed my hand as we left the others to wait on Nicole and Ada.

"You eh, you look very nice." He said not meeting my eyes. I shrugged, "Thank you. You look... nice also." I told him. He did look nice. He looked more than nice. The quidditch thing looked really good on him.

I then noticed we were still holding hands. Although I had had crushes before I had never been asked out or even to an event with a date. This was the first, and even though it was secretly as friends, he was a good friend and I wouldn't change my partner for the world.

I looked up at him. "This is the first time I've been to something with a boy, I've always gone with my friends or by myself." He looked at me shocked "Never, not even on a date to Hogsmeade?" He asked. I laughed, "Nope, never."

He shook his head then grinned "Well I'm honored to be your first, Miss. Kennedy!" I grinned wider, "And I am honored to be your 547th, Mr. Potter!"

He looked hurt but then smiled, "It's because the girls dig a man with looks as good as mine." He said cockily and raked a hand through his hair. "To bad their isn't a man around here. Oh darn it!" I said mocking him. He rolled his eyes.

We soon arrived at the great hall and walked in hand in hand. We waited by the punch table until our friends came in. We watched Remus and Paige walk in holding hands, with Remus blushing madly. I poked James in the stomach and pointed to them. He rolled his eyes and laughed at his best friends shyness. After a few minutes Lily and Benjamin Thomas, a popular Hufflepuff, walked in. I felt James hand clench.

I shook my head, Lily really did need to realize how much James loved her. Sirius and Nicole walked in with Sirius's arm around Nicole's shoulder's. I pulled James over to them.

"Hey guys! What's crackin'?" I asked.

"You're so dorky!" Nicole said as she rolled her eyes.

I shrugged, "What can I say. Its the way I am, take it or leave it Nic." I retorted back.

"Remus said he was going solo, what a liar." Sirius said looking over at his friend who was dancing awkwardly with Paige. "Paige said the same. They must be embarrassed or something." I added.

"Well I see brownies, and pumpkin pastries. See you guys later. Come on Sirius." Nicole pulled Sirius over to the dessert table.

I grabbed James's hand and moved him to a place on the dance floor where we could clearly see Paige and Remus. The band on the stage was playing a slow song that I had never heard before.

"I bet 2 galleons that they'll be together by next week." Said James, nodding to where the couple in question was swaying slowly. I thought for a second, "I bet by two weeks." I said. James nodded. "Deal."

We danced for a couple of minutes in silence before he looked  down at me and said, "So do you like to dance or is this torture?"

"Uh... usually it's torture but it doesn't seem so bad tonight." I replied. James smiled toothily  at me. "Maybe that's because I'm an excellent dancer." He said.

"Yes that must be it." I smiled back at him.

As the music changed and picked up a more upbeat rhythm, we danced crazier and crazier until another slow song came on.

James stretched his hand out to me, bowing deeply, and asked, "May I have this dance, madam?" I smiled at his playful gesture. "Why of course, monsieur" he wrapped his arm around my waist and with the other he grabbed my hand.

I put my hand not conjoined with James's, on his shoulder. We swayed gently. I found myself looking up at him with more admiration than I should have. We kept getting lost in each other's eyes. He has deep green eyes that had traces of brown. I also noticed he had tiny  freckles across his nose. He laughed when I stepped on his foot and tripped. I glared up at him but the way he genuinely smiled made my frown soften and laugh along.

All of a sudden the song ended and we were sent off to bed.

We met up with Sirius, Nicole, Paige, Remus, and Ada in the common room where Nicole and Ada were jumping up and down squealing. I raised my eyebrows and walked in hesitantly. But before I could get to the girls, James grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back. "Hey what are you doing?" I exclaimed. He turned me around to face him.

"I just wanted you to know I genuinely had a great time tonight. There's a Hogsmeade trip next weekend. Wanna go?" I thought about it, I usually go with the girls but I did have to act as James girlfriend (and I was his friend). "Oh why not, sure" I answered.

He smiled. "Good" and hugged my tight. I heard loud whispers behind me. Well Ada can't whisper so I heard loud whispers and Ada.

"Oh my Merlin, that is so cute! Why don't we do cute stuff like that?" Ada teased her date, River Suez, who looked so over it. "All right girls, sleepover!" Lily said running in with Marlene. Marlene grabbed Paige and Nicole, then Lily ran over and grabbed me and Ada.

"Bye Jamie!" I shouted. "Bye Carrie!" He screamed. I flinched at how loud he was. He ran over and jumped on Sirius's back causing both of them to fall face first on the couch.

We all ran upstairs and changed into my pajamas. I had only brought five pairs of pjs because I didn't like having to much stuff. I threw on the yellow, fuzzy pajamas my grandmother had gotten me last Christmas. Unlike my father she was actually kind and genuine. 

I ran over to Paige's bed and jumped on it. Ada, lily, and Marlene were on Lily's bed and Nicole joined us on Paige's bed.

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