Bad Dreams- Chapter 1

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Follow my insta: brooke.spargo💛
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I hear his psychotic laugh ring through my ears as i'm trying to catch my breath. "face it darlin you can't run, or hide! HAHAHAHAHA"

I try to slow down my breathing so he doesn't hear me. "come on sweet cheeks, don't be like this." he said in a loving tone, I knew better than that though. it's all an act, it's all a lie. He's just a psychotic murderer.

"you know no one wants you! Why don't you just come out and face it?!" he screamed, i felt my heart wrench and tears form in my eyes. It goes silent then all of a sudden "gotcha! HAHAHAHAHA!" he grabs my arm and everything goes black


I jolt up in my bed screaming as i wake up "DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE! HELP! HELP ME!" as soon as i realise what i'm doing i stop, deeply embarrassed for probably waking up the whole neighbourhood.

I hear heavy footsteps coming towards me. I feel so ashamed for shouting out like that. My parents come running in asking if i'm ok. "Guys i'm okay, really. It was just a stupid dream."

"OK darlin just tell us if you need anything" my dad said. i froze at that name, Darlin. That's what that psychotic guy called me. " hunny are you sure you're okay?" my mom worriedly asks "uh, yeah. thanks mom and dad"

"Alright, night. love you" they called at the same time

"love you too" I called back.

After the horrible encounter with the nightmare i couldn't get to sleep so i decided to go on my phone for a while. Yeah, yeah you don't need to lecture me, i know it's bad for your sleeping pattern and brain blah blah blah but to be fair my sleeping pattern is already messed up so why not mess it up some more?

I go onto the news page not being able to resist from being nosey. Lets face it, we're all a bit nosey sometimes...right?

As I was waiting for the news page to load I found myself thinking about my parents. i mean i look nothing like them... AT ALL. My mom has light blonde hair, is very petite with green eyes and my dad has dark blonde hair, semi fit with brown eyes.

And me? Well i have dark brown hair, im medium sized body wise and i have blue eyes. i've always wanted to ask them about it but i never really found the right time to. My mom owns her own restaurant and bakery and my dad owns his own gym and gun shop so they're always busy.

That doesn't mean they don't care about me though. infact they're the exact opposite, you see when i was very little my older brother died from a car crash with his kindergarten group. he was 4 at the time. so now they're VERY protective of me. I only ever get to go to my close friends houses.

I looked back at my phone to see if it had loaded yet and it had, the headline was "WATCH OUT, BE CAREFUL. JOKER HAS ESCAPED FROM ARKHAM ASYLUM". I kept reading finding out the article wasn't too long. "All we know so far is that The Joker has escaped arkham asylum. He is most likely armed and dangerous. Lock all your doors and windows. As far as we know school is still on with the principle saying "Just because something escaped from the asylum doesn't mean you get a free pass to get off of school. School is still on so i expect you to turn up unless you have a valid excuse." Please be safe. We will keep you updated. 'Great' i said sarcastically in my head, god i hate school.

As you've probably gathered, yes our principle is a class A dickhole. He's also VERY rude. i mean did you notice he said something instead of someone? like, just because he's a bit psycho doesn't give you the right to downgrade a person like that. im actually so angry about what he said so now im writing about what he said on my blog. of course it's private but my whole school follows me because they love what i write about the principle. My account's private so that the school can't see what i post/write.

About 15 minutes later i finish writing and post it. in a few seconds i get over 50 likes, jeez why's everyone up so late? i mean that's barely anyone considering my school has 1,500 people in it but it's still 50 people up at 1:00 in the morning. i swear all of us teenagers are nocturnal.

*************20 mins later************

ive now gotten 150 likes on my post. i decide to try to go to sleep but then i hear a big smash downstairs. i sink down in my covers praying to god i don't die tonight. i listen out for any movement but hear none.

My parents are probably still asleep since their bedroom is on the other side of the house.

I grab my custom made deagle

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I grab my custom made deagle. it has pink roses on it because its my favourite flower and it represents me; sweet but deadly, plus my name is rose.

 it has pink roses on it because its my favourite flower and it represents me; sweet but deadly, plus my name is rose

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I tiptoe down the two flights of stairs getting my gun ready taking safety off when im on the last step. I stick to the wall counting down to three so i can peak out... 1...2...3 as i look out i see no one there except for a rock with a note and bracelet on there.

i go closer to investigate. i make sure that there's no wire on the rock incase it's like a bomb or whatever. when i see no wire i quickly snatch the rock up and quietly run up the stairs towards my room, trying to make no noise. once i get to the top of the stairs i look both ways and creep into my bedroom still alert just in case someone snuck in here while i was retrieving the rock.

After seeing the coast is clear I lock my door and turn my lamp on so i can investigate the rock further. I decide to read the note first. I got this for you, wear it. or else. cant wait to see you, Darlin ;)

I feel myself go stiff at that word. Creepy. Next i inspect the bracelet type thing. Its a silver chain bracelet with a black heart with a white j in the middle. I flip it over to see the words; property of the Joker engraved into the back of the love heart. Holy shit. The Joker knows where i live. well...'Where the fuck is batman when you need him?!' A.N

Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! Thank youuuuuuuu :)

Hello and welcome to my story :) First of all i want to say thank you to whoever is reading this, it means alot. Also sorry for not much joker in this chapter, it's more of an introduction to the characters and stuff. :) I also like pre-writing my chapters so it might take me a few days to update especially with balancing school. :) thanks

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